Sharpen your axe!

If anyone needs to hear this, it is me. I also hope that this post will speak to your inner man and bless you. Whatever mountain you face in your writing, you need a sharp axe to get to the top!

1.      Get yourself notebooks and label them. I have some booklets that I labelled according to their purpose. For instance, I have: MTW Posts, Prayer Points, Writing Skills, Reviews, Inspirations etc which are all created to get me orderly and organised in my mind.  It is a first step to getting one prepared mentally for a disciplined, orderly and whole some attitude.

2.      Next, surround yourself with the right people. The scripture talks about Likeminded people. In this case, fellow ACWers, writers and poets who are more knowledgeable and experienced in the craft of writing or marketing. God has a way of putting people around one in their careers who can serve as a challenge or an inspiration. Worth looking up to such pals.

3.      What podcasts, webinars or free materials are you accessing? What books are you reading to hone your craft? Do you study the experts in your field and chosen genre? Learning and practising is a lifelong thing. It will help to develop the gifts the Lord has put in you which will bless you, and all richly!

4.      Create a personal growth plan for yourself. This will make sense if you know what your shortcomings are or where you wish to see yourself go up in notches in your writing.

5.      The right attitude with discipline. To me, this is the most important. I reckon that the time some people devote to social media  or just staying idle would have been enough time to get them through those skills needed to  be learnt  to impact their literary and spiritual prowess. "Seest thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings, he shall not stand before mean men” Proverbs 22:29


Hebrews 12:11 – No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained in it.

May this be our portion. Amen.

That summarises it all!  Blessings.

#ACW #Discipline  #gettingorganised  #

Sophia Anyanwu loves Papa God who gives her the inspiration to write her poetry,  stories and all her writings. More about Sophia an her writings can be found  on her website here:


  1. You had me wondering what you wanted me to cut down with an axe, Sophia! Good title and good advice here.

    1. LOL! Your comment made me laugh! God bless you! Thanks and blessings.

  2. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank You Katherine![Sometimes the 'k' on my keyboard fails! Pardon me the initial error

  3. This is an excellent post Sophia. I know just what you mean about the value of organising our thoughts with the use of different labelled notebooks. I have several notebooks on the go for different purposes, and it's time for me to start labelling them! I agree that having a 'system' in place is key for a writer. (Sheila Robinson aka SC Skillman)

  4. Thanks Sophia, this is excellent, and you have encouraged me to be more organised. Do you have any recommendations for the podcasts, webinars or free materials? Thanks. David

  5. Great and helpful advice, Sophia


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