Interview with the Shepherds

I love Christmas time at my primary school. It was only a couple of years ago I shared a few Mary Monologues with you because I was so bowled over by some of the writers in my class. I think, if I remember correctly, it was a nine-year-old Muslim boy who wrote the most poignant monologue, recording  Jesus’ birth from Mary’s point of view.  

This year, again, I am impressed by the writing abilities of the young people in my class. They are sensitive, have a lovely command of the English language, and use vocabulary that would impress the most gifted writers of our time. They are also incredibly witty. 

However, rather than write monologues, we are studying improvisation so I took the opportunity to merge both RE and literacy (again - ticks all the curriculum boxes) and each child chose their favourite nativity character in order to be interviewed. Wise people (not just men), shepherds, Mary, Joseph, the angels (including Gabriel), Herod, and some Roman soldiers were all interviewed. Together we devised a series of questions and, in pairs and threes, the children took part in improvised interviews. 

Writing from memory, I will attempt to share one with you. It went something like this:

The shepherds – George and William

Interviewer: Can you tell me what happened on that fateful night?

George: It was incredible, William, wasn’t it? I mean, these angels just appeared out of nowhere.

William: Yeah, we were sitting by the fire and suddenly the sheep started bleating really loudly.

George: And they weren’t just little fairy-like things either, they were …humungous. Huge with swords and stuff. I was terrified!

William: Yeah, they really scared the sheep. They wouldn’t stop bleating.

George: And there was this star. It wasn’t like a normal star.

William: No, it wasn’t star-shaped. It was…well…

George: …a really amazing, weird shape, like (George waves his hands in the air) this. Sort of 

blobby and blinking.

William: And twinkly. We decided to follow it.

Interviewer: Follow it? Why did you follow it?

George: Well, it just drew us to it. We couldn’t help ourselves. We just had to follow it.

Interviewer: And where did it lead you?

William: To a tiny little baby…

George: …in a stable, apparently there wasn’t any room at the inn. So this baby king was 

born in a stable.

William: Yeah, the dad…

George: … Joseph

William: …yeah, Joseph, put the baby in the animal feeding box. I think he took the food out 


George: We took some lambs with us to give to the baby.

Interviewer: Lambs? Why lambs?

George (scornfully): Well, we didn’t have anything else did we?

William: Yeah, we’re poor and we thought it would keep the baby warm. And when the 

summer comes, they could eat it.

Perfect. Have a wonderful Christmas, everyone. Peace and goodwill.


  1. I read this very early this morning and laughed out loud at this line. "And when the

    summer comes, they could eat it." Absolutely superb. What a great blog

  2. Thank you! I feel privileged to work with such a fab bunch of kids. X

  3. How lovely Nikki. Aren't primary school children precious. We live over road from our village primary school where our 2 grandsons attend. They're 6 and 9. Both love this time of year, and not just because of Santa's and presents. Getting the children to live the event and use their imaginations brings it all to life doesn't it? I remember doing role play on a bible course, as an adult it really helped me to feel the event and that of course brought forward more learnings. I wish I had your job Nikki, although I expect its a never ending amount of work. I love the way the children described the angels, beautiful.

    1. Thank you. The kids are really into it. You're right, it brings the real meaning of Christmas to life.

  4. Lovely post! Children are so sweet and innocent. No wonder our Lord said we had to be like them to enter the kingdom of Heaven. Workng with children provides a rich field for story writing for children. I remember 'Boy in the tower' came as an inspiration to a teacher working with children. Maybe, you could turn this interview to a poem or short story. It is interesting and funny. Blessings.

    1. Ah, thank you. I think the children themselves could write a book. Maybe I should collate one!

  5. This was fabulous, Nikki. Have you read the book Impro by Keith Johnstone? It's a brilliant insight into the joy of improvisation. I'd love to read more of these. Especially the interview with Herod!

    1. Ooh, thanks for that. I might to have a look. Yes, Herod is very interesting. Some of the improvisation from the soldiers talking about Herod we're good too. They were appalled that this king commanded them to kill babies!

  6. lovely post Nikki. Thank you. I work with the little ones too. Mine are between 2 and a half and 4. :D

  7. This is lovely! I love how children look at things... Eating the lamb seems the perfect solution!


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