‘To Defeat the Lie’


In my last blog I celebrated a ‘Christian’ writer whose activities are recorded in Scripture, Baruch the scribe. He wrote down the prophecies of Jeremiah, directed against the wicked ruling class of Judah, and on one occasion was deputed to read them out publicly in the temple. In response to my blog, somebody suggested that things are different now that Christ has come into the world. That really made me think, and though I completely see the point, I’m still not sure exactly what difference it makes to the writer’s role in society.

The obvious difference is that in ancient Israel and Judah, ‘church’ and state were not separate. The country was supposed to be governed by the rules laid down in the Torah. It was the duty of a true prophet of God to expose and denounce any practices and policies of those in power which went against God’s Law. So a literate person might well be called upon to write documents opposing such sins of the State as lying, breaking promises, denying justice to the poor, oppression of the weak, and idolatry. But we live in secular societies in which church and state are separate. So does that mean that Christians have no business to write critically about the society in which they live or the ruling elite who govern?

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn 1974crop

For some reason, at this point in my deliberations, the name of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn entered my mind. Many ACWers have probably never heard of him, but in my young adult days he was on a level with Martin Luther King, Oscar Romero, and Janani Luwum. You may not be old enough to remember what life was like before the fall of the Berlin Wall. The world we grew up in was divided by a north-south line. To the West was a realm of light and liberty, where free speech prevailed, no one interfered with an honest person’s life, and Christians worshipped freely. To the East lay a realm of darkness under the oppression of communism, where secret police watched your every move, there were thousands of political prisoners, and Christians worshipped in secret.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn spent years in Soviet Russian communist labour camps. Some of his experiences were published during a period of relative liberality and translated for Western readers. A committed Christian, he measured the Soviet state against the standards of God, and found it wanting in multiple ways. He was celebrated in the West for his courage in speaking out against an oppressive regime which could destroy him. Christians raised on tales of Bible smuggling and torture for Christ applauded him.

After he had revealed the full horror of the Soviet network of prison camps, the authorities considered assassinating him, but instead sentenced him to exile. He went first to Germany and then to the United States. He continued to write critically about society. But now he began to criticize the West. What was the point of living in political freedom but being in bondage to a culture of trashy consumerism, degrading entertainment, and corporate corruption? People recoiled: surely we were the good guys, weren’t we?

In his Nobel Prize lecture (1974) he said:

The simple act of an ordinary brave man is not to participate in lies, not to support false actions. His rule: Let that come into the world, let it even reign supreme — only not through me. But it is within the power of writers and artists to do much more: to defeat the lie! For in the struggle with lies art has always triumphed and shall always triumph! Visibly, irrefutably for all! Lies can prevail against much in this world, but never against art.

What do you think?


  1. Jeremiah spoke in such hard times. In effect he was asking his country to surrender to the invading enemy. For this, everyone hated him as there seemed to be such national pride and political pride. It is such an intense story and could be said to be played out in other countries. It is like a prophet coming along and saying we should surrender to Isis.

    I haven't read Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, although I have read Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy. I do think that although there is a freedom to criticise politicians in the UK, it is quite hard to get heard. But there is still that tension between a natural inclination to want to support a country and the feeling that in being a critic, you are being a kind of traitor.

    But, to an extent, it is difficult and we end up like Ken Loach's Daniel Blake in that we only appear to be ranting if we criticise Government. So it is not so much that many of us do not attempt to hold Government to account, it is simply that Government does not notice. We are, in a way, invisible.

  2. Solzhenitsyn was such a prescient writer. He pretty much foretold the 2008 banking crash around 45 years before it happened.

  3. In response, partly, to Nick (above) I would say that, although a Government may accuse a person of being a traitor if they criticise the regime of the time, this criticism is, rather, an attempt to call the Government (& citizens) to account for the acts or lack of acts, and to consider the good of all, rather than merely the good of the few who are benefitting while as a whole people are suffering. It is clear from what we know of God in the Bible, that his concern is always slanted towards the poor, the suffering, the displaced, and possibly this is because they're being overlooked/exploited by the well off - and that is no different (in the eyes of Christians) whether it's in the 'Old Testament' or today. This is why the Church should be speaking out on many issues where it is remaining quiet, or blaming everything on Covid, at present. Covid may've been the source of some injustice, but it is not the whole picture, just to give an example. And though the Archbishop of York (I think it was) mentioned 'patriotism' as a unifying factor, while a country is mistreating anyone officially (e.g. migrants) it is not a treasonable thing to criticise, iti s upholding the 'human right' of everyone (and in 'human rights' I am including all those things God wants us to do and be, as in 'do justly, love mercy...' To see critiquing one's country for its wrong is surely comparable to trying to teach one's children not to do wrong things... done out of 'love' or at least 'positive concern'.

  4. I love the idea of writers using their art to defeat the lies that clamour against us from all sides, and I think as Christians this is even more important.

  5. It doesn't have to be about politics - at least not in so far as party politics are concerned - but using our words to stand up for the oppressed and the marginalized is part of our calling.

  6. I have great respect for Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn – and William Wilberforce, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Martin Luther King Jr, Jim Wallis, etc., who had/have a call to expose injustice. (Are there any contemporary Brits in that category?) Maybe some readers of this blog? But I believe, for most of us, our contribution as followers of Jesus is to spread love (acceptance, healing, reconciliation, kindness) through our actions.

  7. There are contemporary Brits who stand up for all those qualities greyowl mentioned. One was Jo Cox, elected MP by the parliamentary constituency Batley and Spen in the 2015 general election. She had previously spent several years working for the international humanitarian charity Oxfam. She was murdered by a man who disagreed with her views that all are equal in the sight of God.

  8. Thank you all for your comments. I’m glad someone mentioned Bonhoeffer. How bad does the situation have to get before someone challenges the churches for their silence (indifference? complicity?) in the face of State lying, negligence, corruption, and xenophobia? Bonhoeffer founded the Confessing Church because the official churches went along with Nazism.

  9. Thank you all for your comments. I’m glad someone mentioned Bonhoeffer. How bad does the situation have to get before someone challenges the churches for their silence (indifference? complicity?) in the face of State lying, negligence, corruption, and xenophobia? Bonhoeffer founded the Confessing Church because the official churches went along with Nazism.

  10. I'm old enough to remember the map of Europe under the USSR. At school we never said "Germany", it was always East Germany and West Germany and we didn't even really know about places like Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Solzhenitsyn was an incredible man, speaking passionately and challenging comfortable churches. Today, there is even more reason to do that, in my opinion. A great blog, thank you.


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