Thinking the Unthinkable

Stop writing? Unthinkable. You couldn't, could you? I blog (on my own blog, Write On ) on the first Wednesday of every month for the Insecure Writers’ Support Group , an American writers’ ‘bloghop’. In July our optional topic was what – if anything – might persuade us to quit writing. As my computer-related headaches, neck and shoulder pain were giving me particular trouble at that time, I’m afraid my response, ‘Well, now, at this moment, not a lot! For me, writing hurts.’ However, I received many helpful and supportive replies from the IWSG lot, so here I am, still at it. Yet, composing that blog post earlier this month got me thinking about what would make – not just me, but any writer – give up writing. …Apart from computer-related headaches, neck and shoulder pain, commonly known as RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury). We’ll call that number one. It affects almost all of us. Lack of success. Maybe we had set our ...