Unlocking the heart of God

"By having the eyes of your heart flooded with light, 
so that you can know and understand the hope to 
which He has called you, and how rich
 is His glorious inheritance in the saints (His set-apart ones).
                                                        Ephesians 1:18 (AMPC)

For those of you who have been following my struggles I can now announce my blog with the storyline containing forty keys to the Kingdom is now written.  Most of the matching scriptures are in place along with links to relevant worship songs. I can’t believe I started in July and how difficult it has been. Writing the first two series was inspiring, sensing a download each day from the Lord.  This time, was more a labour of love!  Without any clues, I began listing the keys I saw as major in opening our hearts to the Lord: faith, worship, word, love, revelation, wisdom.  Under each heading came a secondary list, at present totalling eighty-eight!  I gave myself four hundred words against each key, but still took twice as long to tighten the story up.  In writing the story I wanted to show that the keys unlock the things in heaven into our lives and how the Lord wants us to reflect His goodness into the lives of others.   

This blog whether an episode, step or key is as much an adventure in writing as for those reading it. In the Hearts Desire Series at least I know the beginning and end of each book,   I felt more relieved than exhilarated when I finished this blog series, only to discover the next day I had forty-one keys, and used two keys twice! 

I determined not be down-hearted, printed off the nearly sixteen thousand words before consulting with Lel who helps with reading, finding verses and songs.  We found it was possible to combine two consecutive keys, rename them as ‘Relationship’ which was nicely sandwiched between Forgiveness and Intimacy!  Next I changed one ‘Joy’ to ‘Passion’ and one 'Compassion' became 'Empathy'.  I am aiming to bring it together next week and publish it daily on http://emanuel-publishing.com/food-for-thought from the beginning of October.

My hope was to continue writing Book 5, left at the end of Chapter 5 in March. However last Thursday I sensed, or more had a suspicion there was another series brewing as the Lord dropped a question into my mind. Would I prefer an inspired time each day with Him, or go on a cruise?  I confess to pondering over that, my answer ambiguous, “I suppose I should choose the former.  Five hours later I had no choice, the cruise has been cancelled, but I am excited about being inspired by the Lord for another forty days.

In the mean time I am going to soak up the sun while we still have its warmth with us.  And having purchased several books to read on our previous cancelled cruise in March, time to read and thoroughly enjoy another delightful book written by Santa Montefiore.




  1. Wow, you've really worked hard on that one, Ruth! I feel exhausted just reading it. I know what you mean - sometimes it feels as though you are divinely inspired and the words flow, but when it's not like that, it can feel like a slog. I am so impressed that you've had this vision and kept on with it. Enjoy your home "cruise".


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