Plea of an Unborn Child by Trevor Thorn

This, surely needs to be one of the most voiced themes on behalf of the coming generations - and probably even more so after the result of the UK referendum. The present government has sadly not lived up to its then Prime Minister's promise to be the greenest government ever. But the message is one for the whole world Dearly beloved Mother, you are, just now, the only person to whom I can talk. You are my sustenance, my comfort, my very life; and it will be much the same up to and beyond that special day when I can walk. Today I want to ask you that you will do all you can to ensure the world into which I will be born will sustain me and your grandchildren, and not be so hideously transformed that we will find it impossible to live without fear of disasters, even wars, brought about by too much or too little water, violent winds, extremes of cold and heat: and a probability of having to weep all-too-frequent tears. Please,please, listen...