Starting Young by Jean Gibson

My eldest grandson is eight years old. Having been read to from his earliest days, he has always loved books and over the past year has begun to read for himself. He still likes to be read to, but realises he can devour many more books on his own than if he has to wait for someone else ’ s availability. At family gatherings he can often be found stretched out on the floor, chin on hands, a book in front of him. He is in another world, oblivious to what is going on around. His six year old brother is reading beginner books and his two year old sister thinks she can read everything. As a lifetime bookaholic, it brings joy to my heart to watch my grandchildren reading. I delight in introducing them to books I have loved over the years. And I love reading the stories they are beginning to put together themselves. I look back to my childhood attempts at telling stories and writing plays for my friends to act out and...