Nudges by Rebecca Seaton


Nudges by Rebecca Seaton


        Today is my last MTW blog and I wanted to start with reminding myself why I started. Taking a break has been a difficult decision but essentially comes down to having to prioritise my commitments. I have a demanding job and already struggle to find time for my own writing and really want to push on with that this year. On the flip side, I also recognise that me leaving is an opportunity for someone else to take this on, with fresh ideas. When I did so, seven years ago, I was responding to a couple of nudges from God, so thought I would finish by looking at nudges to encourage others.

Recognising a nudge:

It can be an unexpected thought. Something that seems to pop into our mind. It often comes from different sources and doesn’t go away. A nudge from God often niggles!

Reasons we don’t always respond

Essentially, it’s fear. Many of us suffer with imposter syndrome and fear of failure, so it’s easier not to try. The comfort zone is called that for a reason. We prefer the familiar where we feel more likely to succeed. Heeding a nudge means stepping out into uncertainty.

What can help?

God’s word. If we were prompted by a nudge from reading the Bible or hearing the Holy Spirit then we can come back to that. We might step out into the unknown but we know who God is. God also sends practical help: family, friends or colleagues might be the ones to confirm a nudge or provide support as we enter new territory.

I hope I’ve responded to God’s nudges both in taking this on and in letting it go. I’ll now be seeking Him as I work on other writing projects.

Why not ask Him for a nudge as to where you should go next. The writing world has many aspects and you might be the missing piece for one of them.


I’d also like to thank everyone who’s shared and commented on pieces or spoken to me about them, it’s really encouraged me in this phase of my writing journey.

And my best wishes to the next ‘23rd’ blogger! I hope you’ll find wisdom in their words and continue to encourage them with yours.





Rebecca writes fantasy novels, wrangles cats, chicks and children in various capacities and is becoming increasingly obsessed with steampunk.   
