To Read or Not to Read ~ Maressa Mortimer

I love reading. But I love reading my books, or rather, my kind of books. I would devour books at top speed, but if it was a book issued by school, it would be left at the bottom of the pile. Only because I had been told to read it. Isn’t that odd? Sometimes I would regret shuffling it down the stack of library books, for the book turned out to be a lot better than I thought. Did that help the next time I was told to read a particular book? Not at all. Even now, particular people telling me a book is a must-read, waving it at me, makes that book drop down the TBR Pile at alarming rates. Even if I had been planning on reading it some time anyway. Now you know my stubbornness, you might be surprised to know that I review for three different Book Tour companies. “Doesn’t that count as someone telling you what to read, and even when to read?” You would think so! But I get to choose what I read, and in what month. So maybe that is what makes the difference? The Nature of Small Bir...