Write What you Know but Learn as you Write by Theresa Grant

Write what you know… I have heard it said that you should write about what you know. When you do there is reality that readers connect with. This is perhaps one reason why biographies are so popular as it is easy to connect with the reality of a person’s life. I am currently working on my first book which is about The Lord’s Prayer. This is something that I know a lot about already as The Lord’s Prayer has been central to me growing in prayer over the years. It is very personal to me, and this biographical element will help the book to be real for the readers. I am also starting to move out in preaching, and I preached my first sermon as a member of the preaching team at my church last Sunday. I was preaching on Jesus as Lord of the Sabbath, again it is something I am familiar with. … but learn as you write. When it comes to writing and preaching I still have my ‘L’ plates on. I am aware of both how God has gifted me, and also well aware of my shortcoming. I have much that I n...