Now, I Wish I Didn’t! by Peculiar Medinus

We all encounter fear at various stages of our lives, and sometimes it manifests most powerfully right when we are on the brink of achieving something great. Susan Jeffers’ book Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway has inspired many to confront their fears head-on and break through barriers that would otherwise hold them back. The idea that "fear doesn’t need to hold you back" resonated deeply with me, encouraging me to take bold steps in my journey as a writer. However, there were moments when fear did get the better of me, leading me to turn down opportunities that could have significantly boosted my career. This blog is a heartfelt encouragement for fellow writers, authors, bloggers, and Christian writers grappling with similar insecurities. Don’t let a lack of confidence stand in your way—seize every opportunity.

When I published my first book, I was overjoyed by the positive reception it received. The book's successful launch presented a plethora of seemingly unreal opportunities, including interviews on TV and radio stations, invitations to speak at literary events, and collaborations with renowned authors. I was excited, but amidst the excitement lurked an old companion: fear.

The irony struck hard as I recalled Susan Jeffers' empowering words about fear being an inevitable part of life but not a barrier to success. And oh! Being a Christian didn’t stop me from feeling the fear. Rather than confronting these fears, I succumbed to them and declined several offers.

In retrospect, declining those opportunities feels like an enormous missed chance for growth. Each invitation turned down was a door closed not just to potential fans but also to personal development avenues that could have honed my confidence further. Now, when I look back at those moments of hesitation driven by fear rather than reason or capability, I wish fervently that I'd embraced them instead.

It’s easy for writers to retreat into their comfort zones behind computer screens where they feel safe crafting words meticulously before presenting them publicly—a far cry from spontaneous verbal articulation required during live interviews or speeches where there's no room for second drafts or edits once spoken aloud! Yet it is precisely these uncomfortable scenarios that foster genuine connection between authors and audiences, making us real beyond the pages we write on!

If you are experiencing similar anxieties about stepping out into the spotlight, despite having talent worthy of broader recognition, keep this in mind: You’ve already conquered significant hurdles in getting your work published and seen by others.  Do not let temporary jitters rob you of long-term rewards awaiting through continued exposure and interaction within wider circles! Accept every offer that comes your way wholeheartedly, knowing that each step taken forward brings you closer to fulfilling your ultimate aspirations since beginning your journey as a writer!

One practical piece of advice derived from experience would be practising beforehand whenever possible. Rehearsing answers to potential questions that likely arise during interviews helps build familiarity, easing nerves considerably once the actual event unfolds! Another useful tip involves visualising successful outcomes beforehand. Picturing oneself confidently handling a situation boosts morale significantly, contributing positively towards overall performance and eventually leading to the desired results envisioned originally!

In conclusion, thinking back on past decisions marked more by trepidation than courage serves as a reminder of the importance of embracing all challenges encountered along the path towards achieving dreams envisioned passionately! As fellow writers navigating similar terrains fraught with occasional doubts and uncertainties, remember that the essence lies not in avoiding fear. Facing fear with fortitude will ultimately transform perceived obstacles into stepping stones and reach greater heights never imagined initially possible. So, the next time an opportunity presents itself, even if it seems daunting at first, respond with a resounding YES! Be confident that well-earned success is just around the corner, ready to welcome you with open arms!




  1. Such an encouraging reminder for us to embrace the fear and do it anyway!

    1. Many thanks, Katherine. I'm glad you were encouraged. It's serves as a personal reminder to always confront fear and press on!

  2. What a lovely, great post, Peculiar! Thank you. Just reading through has encouraged me a lot! I am thinking of a book launch early next year and was about to give up on it, but God has spoken to me through this post! Blessings.

    1. What a powerful encouraging post Peculiar. Thank you. Yes God has not given is a spirit of fear, but if power and of love and of a sound mind 2 Timothy 1:7 Amen

    2. Many thanks, Sophia. I'm screaming alleluia that God has spoken to you to proceed with your book launch early next year! Fear took the form of a boisterous wind to stop Peter from going over to the other side as he walked on the water. As with Peter, fear has a way of restricting us on our God-given course.

      Many thanks, Derrice.
      2nd Timothy 1:7 is one of my favourite biblical passages. I'm glad you found the blog post powerful and encouraging.

  3. Thank you! Great post.


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