Soul Searching by Nicky Wilkinson

Are you sitting uncomfortably? – some Halloween reflections It’s Hallowe’en – have you noticed?! – and this blog month’s has been ongoing almost as long as the marketing lead-up. I know that some of my struggle with this time of year lies in having lived so long in Africa. In the UK we are amused by Hallowe’en paraphernalia: eating cupcakes iced with spooks and gore; trick or treating; scrolling for ‘scary films to cuddle up to’. In stark contrast, in Africa a pumpkin would feed a family for a week and they have a healthy fear of spiders — so why would you decorate with them? Witch-doctors cast spells and people drop dead. The fear around magic is real. I have always been wary of writing about the supernatural outside of God. Acts 19:19, for example, describes people burning their books on magic, though these would likely have been books of spells, rather than the 1 st century equivalent of Harry Potter. As someone tried to reassure me recently, his powers came out of the love of...