EBooks or PaperBacks?

When I asked ACW members in a Twitter (X) poll (because it was I asking that question on Twitter (X) that day), 80% of you said you preferred to read fiction in a paper-based book, rather than using an e-reader. Me myself, I devour books electronically, generally on my iPad, and occasionally on my phone, mostly through the Kindle app, sometimes using Libby (the library app) and occasionally files which have been sent to me in .pdf. ‘Oh, but I love the feel of a book… and the smell of a book,’ you say. Let me list the benefits of ebooks: My husband has a bag with ‘My Book & My Lunch’ printed on it. Nice bag, but, if you read electronically, you don’t need to carry a heavy book about with you, or risk scuffing the cover (and possibly smearing your lunch on it). You always have access to your ebook. It’s not ideal reading on the Kindle app on your phone, because of the size of the screen, but it’ll do in an emergency, when you find you...