
There are several aspects to writer's block, one of which is fear. Others include anxiety, misery, over-thinking. The list can continue and will be different for each person. Fear and anxiety are the easiest two to deal with for most people, so I'll start with them. The first step is to ask 'what are you fearful/anxious about'? It won't be just one thing, despite what your mind tells you. Most of the fears and anxieties are hidden in your subconscious, but can be teased out with a pen, a piece of paper and some free time. Start with what you fear. Write it out longhand, then examine it. The chances are it's a real fear and not something you can easily dismiss. Instead, address it. How likely is this to happen? Who can I turn to for help with it? How can I avoid it? Let's say your fear is people reading your first draft and not liking it. Don't show it to anyone. That's easier said than done if you want feedback. But it is an option. Write yo...