'I have the pen of a ready writer' by Ruth Johnson
'My heart is stirred by
a noble theme as I recite my verses for the king; my tongue is the pen of a
skillful writer.' Ps.45
Last year, through the worship song entitled “10,000 reasons
for my heart to find (to bless the Lord)” I was inspired to count my blessings and
on my blog wrote 10 blessings a day for 100 days = first 1,000!
In January I was reminded of the 1973 musical by Jamie Owens and Pat Boone
entitled “Come Together” (in Jesus’
name) through which I met my husband.
Choirs were formed throughout the UK to sing to local congregations
with a sell out finale at Royal Albert Hall when all the singers came together.
The Doxology from that keeps stirring in me to sing: “Praise God from
whom all blessings flow, Praise Him all creatures here below; Praise Him above ye heavenly host; Praise
Father, Son and Holy Ghost” On two occasions I burst forth in secular
situations and the people around me clapped! It was equally astonishing, two
weeks later when not having heard it sung for years the music group at my church
introduced it. My sense is the Lord is encouraging us, even in difficult times to
praise Him from whom all blessings flow.
A couple of days later I read that Paul,
a Jew, who was surprisingly called to preach to the Gentiles, only spent seven years
outside of prison. I suspect with Paul’s
personality and knowledge he questioned God at not being able to teach the people, but he did learn to rejoice in difficult circumstances. And when visitors came he responded by sending letters to their churches and it was his attitude and faithfulness
to do what he could, with what he had, that gives us those letters today. Paul had no idea they would be read for the next 2,000 years instructing and changing peoples’ hearts and lives.
If our hearts are stirred by a Godly theme, writing can come
in many forms with an influence beyond our understanding. From that encouragement, and believing God
called me to write, I didn't think it a coincidence when I opened an email later that day asking me to contribute to this blog. The parable of the talents reveals that the more we use,
stretch and invest our God-given gifts, the greater they will be multiplied to
To stretch my abilities, and helped by Christian Concern, I write to my MP about ethical, moral and Christian issues that constantly arise through government legislation. With a desire to romance the soul and spirit I have over ten years written four books, three of which are published. I journal my walk with the Lord on my blog: “Adventures into the Supernatural” which always leaves me excited, expectant and believing in He can do more than we could hope and imagine. Find blog: name box: ACW Password: Writers and/or sample my books @ www.emanuel-publishing.com
To stretch my abilities, and helped by Christian Concern, I write to my MP about ethical, moral and Christian issues that constantly arise through government legislation. With a desire to romance the soul and spirit I have over ten years written four books, three of which are published. I journal my walk with the Lord on my blog: “Adventures into the Supernatural” which always leaves me excited, expectant and believing in He can do more than we could hope and imagine. Find blog: name box: ACW Password: Writers and/or sample my books @ www.emanuel-publishing.com
I love your insight into creativity and using our God given talents. It was really good to hear a bit about your writing journey. Thank you for this
ReplyDeleteGreat post, Ruth. And great theme. I count my blessings daily, and can never quite believe how many there are.
ReplyDeleteYou have hit the nail on the head Ruth. Bless no matter what, it is the Spiritual water of God to our lives. Lovely insight.