The Goose, loose, near our hoose

Engraving  antique drawing of goose 

(Sketch of the Goose taken from Freepik)

While we were driving back home this evening, at about 6.30 pm and dark outside, I suddenly noticed something strange crossing the road right in front of us, but couldn't quite make out what it was.  When we drove by, I looked to my left and I was so surprised to see a very large Canadian goose standing on the pavement, looking at me.  It was not something we have ever seen in our neighbourhood before, as where we live is quite busy and built up, and it just seemed so out of the ordinary to see this big goose on the pavement.  We are not near a park, or a pond, and besides, they are usually with other geese, so what was this one doing all on it’s own at this time of night. It seemed quite comfortable walking around, and we did wonder if it was someone’s pet, or perhaps looking for some food amongst the wheelie bins?  I was worried about it walking around, as it was dark, and it was difficult to see it, and my first thought was to try and rescue it. 


Like you do, I mentioned it to a few people, including my son and his girlfriend, and they all thought we were totally out of our minds, and found it hard to believe, as we did.  “You saw a goose crossing the road?” they laughed.  It was very funny and I wished that I had taken a photo of it to show everyone that we really did see the goose.  We drove around a bit later looking for the goose, but hopefully it must have flown back to it’s family.


It made me think, how writers can get their inspiration when they least expect it, and what a good children’s story it would make.  A little bit like “The Tiger who came to tea”.


God bless

Derrice has written a book called "Glenna's Angel - A Miracle from God" which is a true encounter her mother had with an Angel in an ambulance, where God healed her from a life threatening stroke.  It totally changed her mother's life, and she lived a further 11 years, to the age of 90, and never had another stroke again. Her mother became very close to God after that encounter.



  1. Lovely post, Derrice. This reminds me of the many times I get an inspiration. I know it's a great one, but it comes at a time, far in the night, when I am in bed. I promise not to forget, but by morning, it is gone! And sometimes, too, I get inspiration when I least expect it with my poetry. Like the goose, I think you could write a story about the goose that visited! Blessings.

  2. God bless you Sophie and thank you for your encouraging comment, as always.

    I used to get inspiration in the night too and forget it by the morning, so much so that I started to keep a notebook by my bed and write things down as soon as I received them. You are such an inspiration too.

  3. Love that drawing! And as one who has been chased by a gaggle of deranged geese in the New Forest, your post brought back a funny memory. Actually quite intimidating at the time. Quite agree, inspiration strikes when we're least expecting it is quite full of geese crossing the road!


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