Easter and Writing About Travel

Christ is risen. He is risen indeed. Alleluia. Nowhere did I feel this so intensely as - not on an Easter Day - but during October 2016 at the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem. Husband Bret and I had been in Israel for seven days and this was our last before flying home. Our holiday, which included many Biblical locations, had been intense, and, although it was not an official pilgrimage, almost all members of our tour group were committed Christians. The Garden Tomb is where, according to General Gordon of Khartoum, the Resurrection took place. General Gordon, of course, was a controversial character and there is some doubt as to whether he got this right, but I wanted to see The Garden Tomb. We saw the signpost but we couldn’t find the place itself. We walked round and round and eventually ended up at the bus station. There, above the buses and the modern buildings, that I spotted a sheer sandstone cliff with shallow ...