
Have you ever held a lump of gold? Australian gold at that? We did last night! My oldest son is very keen on gold. And when I say very keen, it means that his favourite colour is yellow, because it’s the closest to gold. To hold real gold was the highlight of his evening, and he told me this morning he’d been dreaming of gold all night. For me, the fact that we had lovely friends staying nearby, who spent a whole afternoon and evening with us, in their busy time over in the UK, was worth more than gold. I had seen Katy in various Zoom calls, she has been an amazing supporter of my books and is such a kind and supportive friend, so to spend time with her and her husband and daughter was wonderful. Fortunately, we’re both pantsers, so instead of driving all the way to Bourton-on-the-Water for cream tea, we stopped in Cirencester for waffles instead. Of course, if you would visit me, and you’d be an avid planner of your stories, I would make every effort to plan what we would do...