Exercise is Good for You

‘Exercise is good for you.’ Open any newspaper or magazine at this time of year and you will read several articles promoting this message. Readers will be encouraged to exercise in order to lose weight, boost their physical fitness and also their mental health. Have you thought about how exercise could benefit your writing, walking in particular? I thoroughly recommend walking for getting your mind going. Out in the cold damp winter air, with the wind in your face, sloshing through dewy grass in walking boots or wellies, you have time to think. Permission to think, even. What else you can do whilst looking across a muddy ploughed field in the middle of the countryside? Moreover, there is something about the steady rhythm of plonking down one foot after the other, which seems to generate and develop ideas in creative heads. Swimming can work in the same way I know of several ACW members who explore and develop characters and plot lines in their minds as they pummel up an...