Ask not what Chiasmus can do For You by Lucy Robinson

Chi What makes your writing memorable? You know, I’d been hoping to write something about literary devices. Something helpful. Something encouraging. Something beyond just the Rule of Three. Perhaps that is where my story begins, because I love rhetoric and close readings of texts. (Somewhere I made some notes on it, once upon a time.) Finding my notes is part of my rounded routine of procrastination. That is, when I find the time to start looking for the right notes. With the children home from school, much of this summer has been spent absorbed in their greater and lesser needs. They do keep wanting to eat. Which demands having food in; and clean plates. But they keep producing mess. And eating up the food. (And still wanting more to eat…) Their needs have grown greater and lesser as the days draw on and the evenings draw in and they have each absorbed so much and I will miss them when they return to school, but I really look forward to having just a little more time. Tim...