Books to Take you Into the New Year

As we stand on the cusp of the New Year today's blogs brings you some books which will help you move forward with God. These are a mixture of books for both adults and children so something for everyone to use as part of their journey with God. A short Journey through the book of Ruth Buy from: Amazon Turmoil in Turkey and a ‘lone wolf’ who sets out across the Balkans for a strike on a foreign target Buy from: Amazon A time-shift thriller, Namestone pits fallible, ‘good’ people against implacable evil dealing with the inter-connectedness of life and beyond, and the conflicts evil produces in normal people under abnormal stress. Buy from: Amazon Biblical fiction based on the woman at the well Buy from: Amazon Emma, a young and self-contained professor of history, leaves Cambridge for a post in an exclusive university in the USA, intent on finding a long-overlooked 17th century journal. Bound within its pages are secrets that threaten to bring...