There's a ghost in the house, whooooo by Brendan Conboy

Image: Open-Clip-Vectors on Pixabay

I’ve recently realised that I have started ghost-writing.  I use the word ‘realised’ because I didn’t set out to pitch myself as a Ghost Writer, it kind of just happened.  “How can that be?”  I hear you say.

This is not the first time that I have fallen into something, I became a Rap Artist when one was required for some drama, and this led to me falling into youth work, setting up a charity and eventually becoming CEO of that charity.  I am fascinated by the way one thing can lead to another when we are prepared to step out.

So, how did I start ghost-writing?  At the start of this year, I stepped out looking for speaking engagements.  I had just had a triple heart bypass but was determined not to let that stop me, especially as I felt God was prompting me.  I first approached lots of Full Gospel Businessmen meetings to introduce myself as a speaker.  I also provided a poetry retreat workshop at a local Monastery and only men attended.  The feedback told me that I have a wonderful men’s ministry, which I had never considered.  This prompted me to contact some of the local groups for Christian Vision for Men and some of those have shown an interest.  Things do happen when we are prepared to push ourselves out there.

For my second FGB meeting, I spoke at Chippenham.  For about two weeks prior to this meeting, I kept hearing about the mental health struggles of men.  Then, at the meeting itself, I met men that had been desperate and were keen to share their stories to help others.

I discovered a survey of 1,000 men carried out by the Priory Group.  It revealed that


        77% of men polled suffered from common mental health symptoms like anxiety, stress or depression

        40% of men have never talked to anyone about their mental health

I felt a strong urge to help these men, to share their stories.  So, I called out on social media for men with a mental health story, I asked if they would like it included in a compilation of men’s stories called, ‘BIG BOYS DO CRY.’.  The response has been slow, which proves the reluctance to talk and the stigma that men face.  However, a few have come forward and as I started to write the first story, I suddenly realised that I am now ghost-writing.  I am writing the stories of men, for men, that are perhaps not able to write them themselves.  I am still looking for more men to share their stories with me.

Someone happened to mention to me that ghost-writing is where the money is.  That may be so but I am not getting paid anything.  I seem to have fallen into this role and I am open as to where it may lead me.

What roles have you ever fallen into?  I would love to know.

Brendan Conboy aka Half Man Half Poet is the author of 13 published books including his fascinating autobiography, The Golden Thread.  In 1986, Brendan invited Jesus into his life and God blessed him with the gift of rhyming words.  He used that gift as a Christian Rap artist for 25 years and has written 6 poetry books including the entire Book of Psalms in Rhyme.  He has 3 published novels - Issues, Invasion of the Mimics and Legacy of the Mimics.  He is the creator of Book Blest Christian book festival.  Brendan is available for speaking events, poetry performances and workshops.  Visit Brendan's website HERE.


  1. Really interesting - and important work, Brendan.

  2. Lovely post, Brendan! May you be blessed abundantly in this new venture. Blessings.

  3. Really interesting and inspiring post Brendan, thank you. I 'fell' into being a leader of dance workshops when I am deaf and have poor balance!

    1. That is amazing, thanks for sharing that, Tracy.


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