Building the Plane as you Fly it
Earlier this year, I was invited to take part in a writing project, which sounded interesting, worthwhile, and the perfect fit for my skills and interests. There was just one phrase in the proposal which put me off – “we’re building the plane as we fly it.” That’s not really my style. Normally, I prefer to have the plane fully-built and properly-tested well in advance, but I decided to step onboard for the adventure, and I’m glad I did. Building the plane as you fly it is not without its frustrations, such as seeing entire sections of your hard work tossed aside when an adjustment to the format renders them unnecessary, but it also provides opportunities for learning and growth in a different way from having everything planned in advance. It caused me to think back to my early days of blogging. That was certainly a case of building the plane as I flew it. I was clueless in many ways, but I had sensed G...