15 Top Tips for Writing a blog, by Wendy H. Jones

I've been with this blog from the beginning, in fact I wrote the first blog. I've been thinking about this and it got me thinking about blogging in general. This, in turn, got me thinking, are there are any rules or best practice when it comes to blogging? My answer to hat would be no, you can blog in any way you choose; that is the beauty of a blog - it is yours. But there are hints and tips which will help you. Mine are as follows.

1. Any blog with a number in the title usually get the most views. This is proven fact as people like to know what they will be learning or getting from reading the blog. 

2. Choosing the right title can also improve your viewing figures. Saying things like top tips, undeniable facts, intriguing, interesting, etc. can make people curious. The FOMO (fear of missing out ) factor kicks in. 

3. Still on the topic of titles, make it intriguing but contain enough information about your topic that it it is SEO optimised. Being too clever and vague means the search engines may categorise it wrongly. 

4. Maintain focus but write on diverse topics within this

For example a writers blog could contain - author interviews, tips on writing, technology for writing, technology for readers, book reviews, short stories, writing retreats, flash fiction and book launches among many others. If it is a writing blog and you are all over the place in terms of content, then viewers will lose interest and you will not reach the right type of viewer. 

5. Disseminate your blog. This is not the time to hide your light under a bushel. People won't read it if they don't know it's there. Share the heck out of it but in the right places. If you re in a Facebook group about dogs, it's not the right place to share your blog about using Autocrit to edit your novel. You may think this is obvious but people are often so desperate to share their blog they literally share it anywhere. I'm in numerous groups where I sometimes wonder if I've strayed into the wrong group. 

6. Use pictures in your blogs. Those blogs which contain pictures are more likely to be read and shared. Posts cannot be shared on Pinterest without an image. 

7. In order for your blog to gain followers you must:

Write well
Write often - this does not mean every day unless you want to. However, if you decide to write once a week then keep to the schedule. Readers will lose interest if there are gaps

8. You can use your blog for marketing your own products. However, be careful not to spam. Treat it like you would any social exchange. Social media, of which a blog is a part, should be 80% social 20% product information. It is perfectly acceptable to put permanent links to your books on the side of the blog. One caveat, if you re writing in a multi-author blog, such as this one, don't put permanent links to your books on the side of the page. That's not professional. 

9. Link to your blog on your website and your Linktree.

10. Add share buttons for Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, TikTok, etc. on your blog. Again not on a multi-author blog. 

11. Remember your blog is a showcase for you as a writer. People who read your blog are more likely to buy your books.

12. Repurpose material. If you have a podcast, share the show notes or the transcript on your blog. I repurposed some of the material from this post from a blog I wrote in 2014. However, I have changed things, deleted some of the points and added more.

13. Brainstorm ideas for topics and write down as many as you can in a notebook. This will ensure you always have an idea in mind for those times when yo can't muster up an oregano thought. 

14. Have fun. This is the most important point. A blog should not be a chore but enjoyable. This will come across in your posts and people are more likely to respond.

15. Use hashtags to ensure your blog reaches the right audience. 

And a bonus tip:

16. Add a call to action such as a question which can be answered in the comments. The more interaction there is on the blog the more fun it will be for readers. It will also be more discoverable in online searches. 

I am sure that many of you will have more tips. So what are they? Share in the comments and help other writers just like you.



  1. My tip would be if you're just starting out, link up to communities online like Five Minute Friday for prompts to get you writing and lots of encouragement.

  2. Thanks Wendy. Helpful and practical as always 👍😊

  3. Great tip. I actually wrote this one at 9pm on the day it was due.

  4. Thanks Wendy, very helpful. I didn't know about numbers. And, I'm curious, what is a Linktree? I seem to have gone anonymous again...John Stevens

    1. Link tree is a system where you can put in numerous links and use one linktree link to share them. Glad you found the blog useful.

  5. Replies
    1. I’m glad you found it so. Thank you fir taking the time to comment.

  6. Lovely post, Wendy. Thanks for all your continued encouragement. Blessings!

  7. Just sent this post to my email! Really helpful. Thanks.

  8. Thanks, Wendy; all so useful as ever.


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