On Being A Reflection by Tracy Williamosn

I still occasionally get hand written letters and amazingly still write them too!  As I am visually impaired receiving a handwritten letter is something of a mixed blessing because of the struggle of managing to read it. Nevertheless, I love it because it makes me feel more connected to the person who sent it and I feel very privileged to read something that they've taken the time to write. As soon as the envelope is in my hands I start to formulate insights about the writer.  I've not even opened it yet but I quite quickly ascertain if they are an older or younger person, complex or simplistic, dramatic or cool and factual.  The very style makes that letter a reflection of the sender's character. 
Thinking about this made me wonder how much our 'bigger'  writing - articles, stories, poems, devotionals, books etc, reveals?  What is the hidden text, the secret message that lies behind those stories, themes, written words and the way they are put together? 

 In 2 Corinthians 3\;2 Paul makes an amazing parallel between writing letters and being transparent in our faith: 'You show that you are a letter from Christ . . . known and read by everyone.' Well, if I am a letter from Christ then I must also be that letter in the whole of my life including in my writing.

That draws me to another question, why do I write? What has led me to be someone who picks up a notebook and pen, or opens a blank screen on my computer? 

I find its really important to have a vision, not just for an individual book or article but for why I write at all.  Without a sense of vision my writing might look like a hotchpotch of ideas.  They may all be good and lovely, but where will they ultimately lead the reader?  For me, as someone whose writing is very specifically about God, my aim is primarily to be an encourager and up-builder  of other Christians.  I want people to not just discover who I am, but to get a glimpse of who God is and what He is like.  What His love looks like , how He heals our hearts and brings comfort and change.  So as my vision is to encourage and upbuild, that then impacts on my choices of not just what I write but how I write it.  I want my reader to feel comforted, inspired, hopeful, restored and challenged.  So if I write a devotional I will choose themes that will fulfil that 'inner' brief.  As yet I haven't written a novel or long piece of fiction but I would love to.  So how would my hidden vision affect my choice of story, theme and how that theme is developed? I would love to think that my writing was drawing readers not just to see who I am, but who God is.  This all impacts on the things I include and how they are described or worded. Will they be a true reflection of the beauty of the Lord and His work in our lives?  How do I tell stories?  Do they have an ambience of hope or hopelessness, of shame and blame or love and forgiveness?  If I am a detailed, logical person like Dr Luke who write the gospel of Luke, will my writing have the kind of detail expressed that inspires my reader to delve deeper into that subject?  Or will it stop at the point of revealing that I myself am a person with certain knowledge? Luke's Gospel is my favourite because of the richness of his explorations into Jesus' life and how He connected with people.  His gifts of methodical research for the truth created exciting stories that draw us into God's heart.  I long that in everything I write, whether a letter, an email, an article, devotional or book, that through my choices of theme, focus and expression my reader will grow in their heart picture of God.  A thrilling, daunting yet awesome challenge.

Tracy Williamson is an author and speaker working with blind singer/songwriter Marilyn Baker for MBM Trust a ministry of music, teaching and prayer.  Tracy's latest book Unashamed about inner transformation will be published in Sept 23.  


  1. Lovely post Tracy that sets one thinking and reflecting immediately! I had to stop and ask myself what my vision is for why I write! I certainly share your vision for a christian writer. May the Holy Spirit that blessed Luke's inspiration and writing also do the same for us all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.Thanks and blessings.

    1. Bless you Sophia, you are always so encouraging!

  2. My thought is that eveb wne we don't write specifically about God, or evengelistically there is a difference which ideally should be shining through. Even a letter to the newspaper or a magazine, even a Tweet, can carry something of the Holy Spirit with it, in these days of 'hate mail' and nasty comments on social media, just by being 'kind', being respectful of others, carries a message of hope and positivity and care. Not that we should only be doing that of course. But there is, a difference between for example, a gentle reproof and a slap in the face - and I think that comes from God. (My prayer is beginning to be partly , let more Christians write novels which respect human beings rather than mocking, exploiting, and satirising them... mainstream literature cold do with it!) Bless you in your writing!

    1. That's such good thoughts Clare. Thank you and bless you too!

  3. Replies
    1. No worries Clare, I had typos in my blog!!! Loved your comments, thank you for sharing!

  4. Thank you for this Tracy. As believers, all that we do reflects Him in some way. But I like the idea of having a clear purpose for why we write. My vision has been honed over time, but now I know what it is, and the passion that drives it. I now know that my writing is for His Kingdom, and that is my chief aim and purpose. Irrespective of if my books sell or make any money. They must be full of Kingdom truth. They must carry the power to impact lives for Christ. They must be fully inspired by Him. Can I encourage you to write that fiction book. I am so passionate as to the power of Holy Spirit inspired fiction! I am sure He will give you what you need to do it.

  5. A really encouraging post. Thank you. I love that when you write, you want the reader 'to feel comforted, inspired, hopeful, restored and challenged.' I would say the same for my writing.

  6. This is such an inspirational blog. I am a visionary and every vision that God has given me has been designed to impact lives. Why do so many Christians fail to understand vision? Vision underpins everything and without it people perish.


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