Perseverance by Rebecca Seaton


Perseverance by Rebecca Seaton


Putting in the time.

Perseverance is important to be able to deal with different situations we might find ourselves in, particularly unpredictable ones. In recent times, mind fullness has become more mainstream and we are encouraged to take action to improve our achievements and our well-being. But what does effective resilience, rather than just ticking that box, look like?


What does God say? Romans 5 tells us that suffering builds character and character, hope. Therefore, we have a motivation to persevere, as it helps us grow. Further to this, Galatians 6:9 says, ‘Let us not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.’ This shows us that our perseverance is not for ourselves alone. Working in a challenging environment, there is a call to persevere in order to see success.


What does this look like? A significant feature of persevering, or demonstrating resilience, is having a long term view. Today’s setback can be awful but seeing it as something we can build on tomorrow changes our perspective. Eating healthily, or getting used to a new tool or resource, will take time. We can’t afford to give up on day three if we’re going to evaluate the thing effectively. This doesn’t mean we always keep going for the sake of it, some things are bad ideas and we’re better off ditching them. That is where the wisdom of others can play a part.


What does this look like in our writing? Much the same! Having a long view means we can push through tricky sections in order to get the first draft done. Or we can survive the weight of multiple edits and corrections for the long term goal of publication. The input of others is also key. Don’t allow writing to be the lonely job it’s portrayed: join a writing group, take a course, find a group of beta readers. Be prepared that bits will be uncomfortable: criticism isn’t always easy to take and rejections or corrections will happen more than once.

                                                                    Sharing the load with friends.


It helps in life and writing to return regularly to your vision and purpose. When school or writing are difficult, I have to remind myself why I’m doing it. I haven’t got all the answers and some days success seems very far away. But if I remember what I signed up for and why, that really helps.


So, have a clear vision, look to the long term and share with others. Oh, and take breaks! By the time this comes out, I’ll be on holiday and by the time September comes around I’ll have forgotten all the bad bits and be ready to go again.






Rebecca writes fantasy novels, magazine articles and the occasional play. She had her first novel, A Silent Song, published through Pen to Print’s Book Challenge competition and is currently working on the second book of a new trilogy.


  1. So true! Good encouraging piece, thank you! Have just ploughed through those edits you mention... surprising how much one's writing can be endlessly improved, even by just changing a word or 2 in a sentence.

  2. Thanks Rebecca, I needed to be reminded of this. Great piece.

    1. Hi, the comment above was from me but it did the anonymous thing for some reason...

  3. Thank you for your encouragement Rebecca that was really helpful

  4. Very timely, thank you. I've earmarked August to return to writing/editing the novel and children's book having taken a break. My August will be your September!

  5. Lovely post, Rebecca! Thanks for all the encouragement and helpful tips on keeping the writing vision. Blessings.


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