A catalogue of FIRSTS!


By the time you are reading this post, by God’s grace, I would be returning to UK after a week in Turkey - a gift from our children to celebrate our Ruby Anniversary!  As I write this post from my Arnor De Luke Hotel in Antalya, Turkey, I remembered my first day in TRELLIS, our ACW poetry group. We were asked to compile a list of first times and firsts in our lives. I found that exercise so interesting and here are a couple of things I wrote down:

1.     First time to the US  -  2008

2.     First time a mother  -  1983

3.     First time a Grandmother  -  2015

4.     First time in Dubai  - 2015

5.     First time keeping snail pets   -  1968

6.     First time naming chickens  - 1970

7.     First time in Turkey  -  2023

8.      First time hosting a Face book launch -  2020

9.     First time  doing an author event  -  2022

10.                         First time engaging a professional editor  -  2022

11.                         First time participating in NaNoWriMo -   2021

12.                         First time I gave my life to Christ  -  1973

13.                         First time a published author  -  2017

14.                        First time a published poet  -  2022

15.                        First time keeping a dog pet  -1981

16.                        First time in Germany - 2018

I thank God and give Him glory for these first times and more, as they are testimonies. Our first times encourage us, in a specific field. We can do it again by God’s grace, no matter how daunting, like my author event. What were the firsts for our Lord Jesus? He was the first to perform divine miracles, preach at the age of 12 and conquer death. Can you think of anymore? Can you share some of your first times below?

#ACW      #encouragement      #firsttimes    #testimony 

Sophia recently published ‘POETRY MATTERS’.A collection of 100+ poems!



  1. Hey Sophia, an interesting post. My most significant first is the first time God spoke to me in rhyme. That was back in 1986.

  2. I love this idea of firsts - can go on endlessly when you start! But I won't. The firsts I want to share is my first published book - 2014 and my first YA novel - 2023!

  3. A great way to look back and remember God's goodness to us! First times are significant. Especially when they change our lives! Thank you Sophia

  4. Great reading from you, Sophia! Congratulations 🎊


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