Dumb (or not so Dumb) Creatures by Nikki E Salt

I’ve just been reading a fabulous book to a group of children called Dumb Creatures by Jeanne Willis. It is an extraordinary tale about a young boy who can hear and think for himself but cannot speak and he forms a friendship with a gorilla who has learned sign language. Disaster strikes and the boy decided to stage a protest. However, can he make himself heard amid the shouts and shrieks of the crowd? Ultimately it is a story about making yourself heard but it also poses the question of how do animals make themselves heard?

Do we even give them a chance?   

Many of us who have pets would absolutely agree that they understand much more than we give them credit for. My own little Ella the black Lab is only a year old and loves it when I throw the ball for her. When she is trying to get my attention she will drop the ball in front of me and if I still ignore her (or pretend to) she will roll the ball towards me using her paw. I certainly didn’t teach her to do that!

“But ask the animals, and they will teach you,
    or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you;
8 or speak to the earth, and it will teach you,
    or let the fish in the sea inform you.
9 Which of all these does not know
    that the hand of the LORD has done this? Job 12:7-9

Some of you might remember the true story of Koko the gorilla who did learn sign language and stunned the world with her understanding and intelligence. A journalist was reported to have interviewed Koko and asked her what she thought was the meaning of life. The gorilla signed, “People be polite, people have goodness.”  There are many records of Koko communicating through signing though there is still some dispute about whether she really did sign. I can only say, see for yourself! There are a few books about her (indeed Jeanne’s book mentioned above used Koko as her inspiration) and various videos available online including this one:


It seems clear to me. 


  1. Great post. I love the thought of communicating with animals.

    1. Me too. I often wonder what our ferrets are saying when leaping about the living room. Something like, "Woo hoo! We're free! Don't let her catch us, we're not going back into the cage!"

  2. I hadn't heard of Koko before. I was fascinated to see her on film. Such a gentle giant. I think she must have always been treated kindly to have such a gentle response to people and animals.

    1. As far as I know, she led a very happy life. She was bred in captivity. X

  3. This was wonderful, Nikki, and perfect timing as I'm currently reading a hilairous book called Olive, Mabel and Me by Andrew Coulter which would be perfect for you. Here's one of their videos, which you may very well have seen before :) https://youtu.be/vPhpJuraz14

    1. Thanks, Martin. I will definitely check this out.

  4. Amazing and lovely post. Thank you, Nikki! Truly , those of us who have grown up with animals in Africa, know how intelligent and communicative animals can be[ cats, dogs,chickens, monkeys, turkeys, etc. They first study us, learn our language and communicate to us in our minds, habits, mood, certain sounds, etc. I quite enjoy watching the way monkeys behave like humans in the tik tok videos.Really amazing to see them do mischievous acts they weren't taught!
    I saw an article on Koko which was used as a GCSE source in Engish many years ago. I was impressed but not surprised because I know how scheming, calculating, intelligent and communicative animals can be. They must have communicated with Adam and Eve. Humans lost their ability to understand animals, when they disobeyed God.Blessings.
    I only hope some people do not treat God as 'dumb' or 'not so dumb'. God have mercy! Blessings.

  5. I love the idea that animals communicated with Adam and Eve before the fall. Perhaps Noah was given the same blessing when asked to summon two of every creature. Thank you. Xx


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