

Over the last 18 months, I’ve entered a new season. The many positive things I'd heard made me eagerly anticipate experiencing it. I'm talking about the joy of being a grandparent. An opportunity to take on a new role and to see the world through different eyes.

    My grandson is a very energetic child who likes nothing better that exploring new spaces and pushing boundaries! As he has developed from a new-born, it has been fascinating to see how wonder has awakened within him. At first he would be caught up staring at a shaft of light, or watching the leaves blown by the wind. Then, when solid food was introduced, he would joyfully await his boiled egg, I have never seen anyone so excited over an egg! Nowadays, his whole body reacts with joy and wonder at the things we often take for granted, a dog walking by, another dog walking by, a watering can, a new-born chick. I laugh to see him literally shake with excitement.

    I’m reminded how easy it is for us to lose our sense of wonder as things become familiar and normal. We have many opportunities to travel and see amazing things, but there is wonder right on our doorsteps. In the beauty of nature and everyday life, the reflection of a tree in a puddle, the way a flower can grow in a scrap of soil and so many, many more things.

    I love to write devotionals. I realise that part of what I want to do is to help reawaken wonder within us. As I reflect on biblical truths and stories that may have become familiar in the telling, there is often a fresh light that shines. God speaks through His Word, bringing a new sense of wonder, uncovering a fresh understanding. The Word of God is living and has the power to break into our everyday lives with acute relevance. I want to have the expectation to experience afresh it’s power and to convey to others, not the wonder of my words, but the unchanging wonder of God’s Word. It is available for us all when we stop and look with fresh eyes.

‘Show me the wonders of your great love,
    you who save by your right hand
    those who take refuge in you from their foes.’

Psalm 17 v 7

Meryl McKean loves writing devotionals and poems and has had a few articles published over the years as well as using her writing in her work. She wants her writing to be a tool which helps others draw closer to God. She is married to Andy and lives in Bedford. Her day job as a member of her church staff leadership team is full of challenges and opportunities.




  1. Thank you Meryl. An inspiring reminder of the wonder of watching young children. Our 3 year old granddaughter, Faith, makes an mmmm sound as she eats something she likes and has always done this from a new born. Lovely post.

  2. Beautiful and so true. I see this in my granddaughter every time we visit. Thank you for this reminder, Meryl

  3. You're so right - it's incredible when they're so small and seeing so many things for the first time ever: things we've got used to seeing. What must it be like to see, say, a giraffe for the first time, or a puffer fish, or a daisy?

  4. Lovely post, Meryl! Congratulations for the new season God has given you. Take the opportunity like some of us have done and write poems on your grandson! Thank you for sharing the lovely moments. Blessings.

  5. 'How easy it is for us to lose our sense of wonder as things become familiar' - so true. Yesterday my granddaughter - not quite two - spent a long time completely spellbound removing Smarties from a tube and putting them back! Out again and back in many times...honestly...only graduating to eating them many minutes later.


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