Πήγαινε να δεις τον Αββά by Emily Owen

For those who don’t speak Greek, the title of this blog is ‘Go and see Abba’, or so Google Translate assures me. I didn’t want anyone to think the blog was offering free concert tickets and then be disappointed….


A month ago today (by date), I attended the ACW Zoom event about Marketing and Promotion.

Joanne had chatted with me previously and ensured that captions would be available at the meeting (thank you, Joanne). So, as a slight aside, if – like me – you are deaf, or for any reason prefer things to be captioned/subtitled, ACW online events are accessible for you.

At one point, while Joanne was speaking, she broke off and turned to someone off-screen:

“Go and see daddy.”

One of her children wanted something.

The words flashed up on my screen, just as quickly disappearing to make way for more words.

They didn’t disappear from my mind, though.

Go and see daddy.

Wouldn’t that be a great mantra for us as Christian Writers?

Struggling with a manuscript? Go and see Abba

Celebrating a contract? Go and see Abba

Receiving a rejection? Go and see Abba

In Luke 15, we read about someone who is struggling.

Things aren't going to plan.

He's ended up feeding pigs.

I doubt many of us are literally feeding pigs at the moment, but perhaps we are metaphorically. Things aren’t working out as we’d like.

From his place in the mud, he makes a decision:

"I will set out and go back to my father…"

Luke 15:15a 

Go and see Abba

Or perhaps things are working out very much as we’d like.

But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him…. “Let’s have a feast and celebrate”.

Luke 15:20&23 

Go and see Abba.

Πήγαινε να δεις τον Αββά



  1. Thank you Emily, such an important reminder to take the big, the small, the good and the bad to our loving heavenly Father.

    1. Yes, we can take it all to Him. Thank you.

  2. Emily, your posts are always so thoughtful and poetic. And this one in particular. Thank you.

    1. Thank you, Liz. Such an encouragement to me.

  3. Really love this Emily and I hadn't realised ACW events were now captioned! that's exciting! thanks so much for a lovely post.

    1. Thanks, Tracy. Yes, the Zoom has live captions, and they worked really well when I tried them.

    2. Nicola Wilkinson31 July 2024 at 11:51

      So simple so true, Thank you Emily - as ever pithy and witty!

    3. My thanks too -in all those words, + 'memorable', as in 'easy to remember', & therefore very useful.

  4. So beautiful how God speaks to us in these ways. Thank you for sharing x


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