An Act Of Faith

 Guest Post by Lesley Crawford (posted by Rosemary Johnson) 

It is hard to believe that almost nine years have passed since I plucked up my courage and hit “publish,” releasing my first blog post into the world.  Until then, my writing had been in journals, for my own eyes (and God’s) only, but eventually I had to give in to the growing sense that God was calling me to share my words with others.  It felt like an act of faith – sending my words out, unsure how they would be received. Would anyone want to read them? Could God really use them? Where would this journey lead?

Nine years on, I still ask these questions, but I have also been encouraged to see all that God has done in that time, often working in unexpected ways.  Writing has opened up new opportunities and led to some wonderful new friendships. It has built my confidence and helped me find my voice, not only in writing, but also generally in life. And there have even been some of those rewarding moments when people have commented that they have been encouraged or impacted by my words.

It strikes me that writing is always an act of faith.  As we send our words out, we relinquish them, trusting God to use them as he will, and sometimes this is in ways we would never have imagined.

I think of Paul, sitting in prison, penning letters to the various churches. I wonder if he had any idea how God would use his writing. I imagine that at the time he felt restricted - trapped in prison when he longed to be travelling and sharing the Good News – and yet, as he faithfully wrote, God took his words and used them, not merely to impact the believers who originally received his letters, but to minister to countless others down through the centuries.

Who knows how God can use our words if we continue to step out in faith and share as he leads?  Whether our writing reaches many or only a few, what a joy and privilege to see how God can use our efforts to make a difference for others!


I’m delighted to share this guest post at the More Than Writers blog. Most of my writing takes place on my own blog: Life In The Spacious Place and I am a regular contributor at Gracefully Truthful.

Pieces of my writing have also been included in various collections and anthologies, including the ACW anthology “Merry Christmas, Everyone” and “The Jesse Tree Anthology.”


  1. Thanks, Lesley. I often think about Paul sitting in prison writing his letters and unaware of the impact they would be having through the centuries.

  2. I'm enjoying the guest blogs this week. Interesting thought about Paul writing from his prison cell. Thanks Lesley.


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