Time is a precious commodity - use it wisely.

What is life like for you?  Do you use words like, ‘crazy, chaotic and hectic?’  Do you struggle to find the time to write?  I think that there are times when we can all say, ‘Yes’ to these questions.

This blog is inspired by comments that I heard from two other writers recently.  I do hope that they don’t mind me mentioning them.  Keren Dibbens-Wyatt, struggles with M.E. and posted recently, Amazing that the 20mins here and there when my brain co-operates can get these things done.

Natasha Woodcraft, in her recent MTW blog, said, “I might get 15 minutes at the laptop.  Finding creative corners can be difficult when life is chaotic.  Yet these precious moments are what keep us going, are what define the difference between existing and living.”

My wife and I are currently making plans to move house after living in our home for 26 years.  For the last month, we have been ridding ourselves of unneeded and no longer-wanted clutter, junk and possessions.  Our lives are full of so many unnecessary belongings and it has been liberating to shed them, creating space.  I have found that the more physical space I create, the more mental space is also created.

With just over two months to go before the Book Blest Christian book festival, this has also increased my workload and reduced the availability of time to write.  Yet I am a planner and a strategist, I set goals both big and small, especially the small ones and I pace myself.  If I do too much, too fast, I will suffer.

I can relate to Keren and the struggles of her illness, as I live with a renal condition that causes fatigue.  I fight to get going every morning.  Like Keren and Natasha, I am able to squeeze in the odd 15 – 20 minutes and see the difference that this can make to my word count.

As writers, we are all different yet we naturally compare ourselves to other writers which often causes us to feel inadequate.  Nanowrimo is a great project and encourages some to boost their word count.  Yet others struggle to compete and cannot justify writing for ten hours every day.  Stop comparing and simply do what you can and be the best version of yourself that you can be.  Grab those bite-sized opportunities and see what you can create.

Brendan Conboy aka Half Man Half Poet
 is the author of 13 published books including his fascinating autobiography, The Golden Thread.  In 1986, Brendan invited Jesus into his life and God blessed him with the gift of rhyming words.  He used that gift as a Christian Rap artist for 25 years and has written 6 poetry books including the entire Book of Psalms in Rhyme.  He has 3 published novels - Issues, Invasion of the Mimics and Legacy of the Mimics.  He is the creator of Book Blest Christian book festival.  Brendan is available for speaking events, poetry performances and workshops.  Visit Brendan's website HERE.


  1. Interesting. I do think trying imitate other's lives is indeed not a way to go. And, that it depends not only on your lifestyle and commitments but also on what you are working on. Some people love 'prompts' and competitions, some of us simply could never work to that kind of thing and don't want to. Nanowrimo is not my style, but some people find it helpful, or enjoy it as a 'challenge'.How great it is that we are all different!

    1. Thanks Clare, yes, let's all embrace our individuality.

  2. Great piece, Brendan. It's really encouraging that small windows of time can open us up to big long-term results. Your post reminds me of the wonderful online ACW day webinar led by Fran Hill a couple of years ago, "The Day of Small Things". That's one of my favourite Bible quotes too, from Zechariah. Small things will carry us along, and in God's hands they will become great things.

    1. Thanks, Sarah, what great Bible verse, it reminds me that we are all like acorns growing into mighty oaks.

  3. Thank you Brendan. I really needed that. I struggle to plan and often do live in chaos. That was encouraging to be the best me I can be and not to compare myself with others.

    1. Thank you Tracy, we naturally want to compare ourselves to others though. I learnt this lesson a long time ago but that is another story.

  4. Beautiful post, Brendan! Thanks. Great advice and encouragement you have shared here. Yes, we are all different. We should go with the grace, time, skill and ability that God has alloted each of us, be it 1, 5 or 10 talents. I have my seasons when I am motivated and inspired to produce a lot which make for producing fruit in the season of rest and fallowing! I love the idea that decluttering and can help one mentally. I did a little the other day and do need to do a massive declutter. Glad for you. Wishing you and yours the best as you move to your new home. Blessings.

    1. Thank you, Sophia, we are moving into a rented house for the next six months, so another period of uncertainty. It is exciting to see where God leads us. Keep up the decluttering, it is so liberating.

  5. Thanks so much for these thoughts Brendan
    I totally agree that time is precious and I value the small quality minutes that I can set aside to write

  6. The above comment is from me (Joyce Skinn)


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