Five things you must do today

1 Look at the sky for the duration of three to five deep breaths.

            This always grounds me and speaks to me of the creativity of God.

2 Say good morning/afternoon/evening, (as appropriate!) to at least one comparative stranger, and/or contact someone (not a stranger, obviously!)  by email or phone to have a chat.

We communicate our faith in even the tiniest act of kindness.

3 Tell God He’s amazing because…. He created those perfect flowers./ He gave you a shot of patience just when you needed it most./ He helped you find your glasses yet again.

            God is always remarkably patient about helping us, which in turn encourages us to be patient with the mis-timed requests of others.

4 Forgive yourself for being less than perfect. (We are all very imperfect. Take my word for it!)

Why do some people, whether with or without a faith in God, assume we Christians should be perfect? I have a dear Christian friend who regularly beats herself up mentally, because she thinks she’s said the wrong thing or upset someone, etc.. We are not perfect. We live in the light of God’s forgiveness, and we do our best.

5 Write something, a poem/ fifty words of your latest story/ novel/ article/ a letter/ your journal/ etc./ or if all else fails, a shopping list. 

        Because your writing is important, and it gives you a greater understanding of people, the world and God.

Five things you must do today?

Must? No, of course not. There's no must about it! But... what is one thing you would put on your list, if you had to write one? I'd love to know.

Veronica Bright admits that 24 hours are not enough to do everything
 on her List of Jobs For Today, and she does understand that everyone
 needs to sleep sometimes. Ah, I almost hear you saying, 'Join the club!'

All photographs are the author's own.


  1. This is so beautiful, Veronica! Thanks. I have actually achieved the first 3 and do hope by the day's end, I would have done all 5. Blessings.

  2. Thank you so much Sophia. You are such a faithful blog-reader and I must try harder to follow your example, because the comments mean so much to the writer, don't they?

  3. Lovely. Friendly, affirming, and positive, great ideas.


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