The 'Why' Factor!


'One generation shall commend Your works to another, and shall declare Your mighty acts." - Psalm 145:4 (ESV)

After a couple of guest blogs, this is my first regular post for More Than Writers!  I’m Angela.  For the past two decades, I’ve been writing stories, poems, and faith-based content for kids. I work as an Early Years Practitioner, teach Sunday School and have four children of my own – so you could say, kids are my thing!

If someone had told me twenty years ago, when I first started pursuing my goal of writing Picture Books for the secular market, that by the time I reached the age of 50 (in a few months’ time), I would  still not have succeeded, I wonder whether I would have just given up there and then?

Like many Writers, the journey for me has not been straight-forward.  The phrase: ‘A long and winding road’ springs to mind.  Actually, scrap that!  How about a long and winding road, beset with pot-holes, diapers, detours and dead-ends? 

It’s a good thing that a few years down the road, ‘I found out my ‘why.’

Children love to ask that question, don’t they?  If you’ve ever had a conversation with a three-year-old, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about!

My ‘why’ came after a crushing disappointment.  I’d received a dream-come-true phone call from a Publisher.  They were interested in publishing my Picture Book, subject to a few alterations.  It was all systems go.  Until the Editor working on my story went on extended Maternity Leave and the project was shelved.

I was crushed.  Now I was the one asking 'Why?'  I just felt like giving up.  But God loves to take the ‘dis’ out of our dis-appointment.

A few months later, when I was least expecting it, a friend was praying with me. She tentatively shared with me a sense that God was calling me to communicate the ‘milk of the word.'  My heart leapt within me as a seed of faith began germinating in my heart.  I’d always wanted to be a kid’s writer.  But until this moment, I’d never considered writing bible-based content.  God was inviting me to use stories and poems to share the good news of Jesus in a way that was accessible to children and perhaps those new in the faith.

Now I had a ‘why!’

I still don't have a Picture Book published.  But I have written a handful of devotional stories for children and teens.  I don't have a Literary Agent, but I have written Sunday School Curriculum about how Jesus is the greatest treasure we can ever find!  There is no greater reason to write.

I go back to my ‘why’ whenever I'm tempted to feel discouraged by rejections, delays and disappointments.

What’s your ‘why?’  Have you ever given it any thought?  Perhaps you’re feeling dejected and on the verge of giving up?  I believe God wants to take the ‘dis’ out of your disappointment.  Spend some time today, asking the Father to remind you of your ‘why.’   Then write it down and keep it in a safe place, or perhaps even share it in the comments below if you're brave enough to do so.

Angela Jelf writes stories, poems and faith-based content for kids of all ages.  She has written several devotional pieces for Keys For Kids Ministries, Unlocked, and Devozine. She is currently working on her first Picture Book for the Christian Market and developing an outline for her first chapter book aimed at 8-11 year old girls, all about the Challenge of Change.


  1. Love this post. I'm a 'why' person and God is probably very fed up with me asking every 5 mins.
    I love the phrase 'How about a long and winding road, beset with pot-holes, diapers, detours and dead-ends? '
    No diapers but certainly had loads of the others.

    1. Hahaha - thanks Elaine! I know we Brits say 'nappies' not 'diapers', but the alliteration opportunity was too good to pass up!

    2. Maybe potties must have worked too 😁 either way. No kids so none of those escapades xx

  2. Shoo! Thank you for being so honest. I had the same thing happen to me. I was so excited to have a children's story accepted by a publisher. I also made the revisions they required. I waited, waited, and waited. The book was never published. Talk about disapointment! But I did start writing again, this time with a God-given drive to encourage and to share the Gospel. I have given most of my stories and poems away via my blog and other platforms, but have also self-published in faith.

    1. Hi Alison! Wow! We've had very similar experiences. Lovely to connect with you, I'll visit your blog.

    2. Thanks Angela, looking forward to getting to know you and the other writers here too. It's good to know you're not alone. :) God bless

  3. Exactly the same happened to me very early on - an editor went on maternity cover just as we were going to sign a contract, and the next editor wasn't so interested. Arrrrgh! But all of those hiccups teach us something, I guess, along the way. Also, I'd say that even once you've been published you can still struggle sometimes to work out the 'why' and have to keep being reminded!

    1. Hi Fran, isn't that strange? Seems like this sort of thing happens a lot in this industry. Yes it does teach us to persevere and build stickability in us, I guess. Plus, the Lord's timing is so much better than ours. I'm quite sure you're right about the struggle going on beyond publication! I will definitely take your advice on board in case I ever need it!

  4. Lovely post, Angela! Thanks. You have made me conscious of the question 'Why?' in talking to Abba.[ Thought it was a lack of faith} I sure loved the alliteration of /d/ in the 3rd paragraph! How poetic. Well, may God continue to lead you publishing wise according to His will and purpose for you. Blessings.

    1. Hi Olusola, Thank you so much for reading it and for your kind words. Blessings over your writing endeavours!

    2. Great post Angela. There is always a bigger picture why these things happen, and we are often grateful they did. God bless.

    3. Thanks Derrice - you're right, all things work together for good!

  5. Very good post Angela and really resonated with me too, thank you so much.

  6. Thanks, Angela! Well done for not giving up. My current Why? is to utilise all my 80+ years of experiencing God's provision, protection, guidance, healing, etc. to convince the readers of a memoir I am writing of God's reality and of the wonderful blessings of knowing him personally here and now, as well as his promise of everlasting life in a brand new earth to come!

  7. Wow! 80+ years! God is so faithful. I would absolutely LOVE to read this.

  8. This is just what I needed to hear today! Thank you so much for writing this. I'm off to ask the Lord. "Why?"


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