Putting My Poetry Hat On!


For Lizzie fans: she is now 6 months old and 31kg. Her latest escapade is to follow my husband into the garage as he examines the freezer, then go up onto the road, hence the fluorescent collar!

I don’t know whether I told you but I have decided to concentrate on my poetry skills for a while. Yes, I know the historical novel could do with a rewrite and I know I am co-leading the ‘Hopefully Devoted’ group. Well, it happened like this.

A friend has switched careers from missionary to life coach after being thrown out of Turkey. She decided to run four webinars on “Finding your Voice and Vision”. For two of those meetings, I was away but I could attend one, which I did. I went because she is my friend and I wanted to support her. I listened and completed the exercises with the one other lady who was attending. A surprise to me, I distinctly heard the Lord’s voice, “You’re too much of a jack-of-all-trades. Concentrate on your poetry.” I was surprised! Thinking about it, I realised yes that was a good assessment of me. I have enjoyed writing poetry over a number of years but have never done anything with it.

I put a shout out on our ACW Facebook page. I had a few replies but the most helpful one came from Fran Hill. Firstly she suggested I get “How To Grow Your Own Poem” by Kate Clancy (Swift Press, 2020), which I did. This easy-to understand book, although mostly for beginners, had some enriching tips.

Secondly, she suggested I go to the Poetry School website to see if any of the courses appealed to me. I did have a look at the courses but the thought of another course of study made me sigh. However, there was a tutorial by email option available at a price I was willing to pay. I chose a range of different forms of poetry to submit and contacted the admin office. Yes, there was a tutor who could assess my work (Christian themed poetry).

I received a 1000-word critique of my work. The assessment was fair and insightful. She said a lot of encouraging things and pointed out where I needed to improve. So, I am now reworking those poems with joy. I have a more mature view of what I am aiming for.

Thank you Fran Hill and ACW FB page.

Rosalie tries not to take herself too seriously. Life is too short! She enjoys writing in different genres - historical fiction, bible study guides, devotionals and poetry. She is the Groups' Coordinator for ACW and welcomes any enquiries about groups at groups@christianwriters.co.uk




  1. What a lovely post, Rosalie and truly delightful! I understand the bit about ' Jack of all trades'! Being a multi genre writer can be confusing. You can also join the SoA poetry group, I hear that's good too because it is a critique group. They have a FB group has well. Our ACW group is quite nurturing and encouraging as well as promoting growth. Wishing you God's grace and favour in your poetry .Lizzie has grown so big by the way! Blessings.


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