Am I good enough? Does it matter? by Marion Andrews of GPCW

On the 17th of the month, MTW will feature ACW local group Green Pastures Christian Writers, based in Norfolk. This first one is from long-standing member Marion Andrews.

When I first heard of the Association of Christian Writers, I was slightly sceptical. Would it be something for me?  I was a Christian who enjoyed writing, but not what I recognised as 'Christian Writing'. Also, my life, as a mum with four children, then later a nurse working for the NHS in a hospice setting, was busy and writing took a back seat. Then I retired and my desire to write returned. The future of the NHS was a subject very close to my heart. I was concerned that when my grandchildren were adults, they would not know how our NHS had been a flagship across the world, providing good care to everyone according to their need, not their bank balance. I started to write a memoir of my training days in London, in the 60’s, and ultimately self-published it. I enjoyed writing it although my poor IT skills caused quite a few wobbles in the process. The experience, however, had 'got me in its claws', and I soon found I really missed not having a writing goal to achieve.

It was then I rediscovered ACW. Soon I was attending a local group, meeting up with wonderful people who wrote in a variety of genres. I enjoyed it; it was a very positive experience, although I still struggled to have the confidence to share my work, always asking myself if I was good enough. As time went by and I gained experience, my confidence has slowly increased and recently I have been asked to contribute to a Prayer Letter, sent to people who support our church from afar. I am gratified when I hear they value my input and now another church has asked me to write an article for the quarterly magazine they run for the retired. I am learning to recognise God’s gentle leading.

At our recent ACW meeting (currently on Zoom) one of our members said, 'Our writing is a gift from God and who are we to query that?' I’m not dynamic, and I don’t think I will ever be, but that doesn’t mean that God can’t use me. So I thank Him for giving me this gift which, incidentally, I love; and I pray that He will give me the tools and wisdom I need to glorify Him in all my writing. 

Thank you ACW for being a source of encouragement to us all. 

Marion Andrews is the author of Angels of the NHS, a novelised memoir of her nurse training days. She is thrilled to be part of More than Writers!


  1. Very lovely post, Marian, welldone! Your post reminds me of Proverbs 19:2! " It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way." You have been wise to have waited in patience for the right time, with knowledge and your zeal. May God's favour rest on your gift of writing and may He give you the grace to be bolder in your publishing and marketing. And truly, ACW is a blessing to us all! Blessings.


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