Libraries, libraries everywhere, and not a book to read?

Library: from Latin librarium – a bookcase, chest for books 

Local libraries were places where even the squeak of a shoe on the shiny floor was frowned upon and silence was fiercely enforced by stern ladies with oversized glasses and penetrating stares.

Nevertheless, I spent a fair bit of time in my local library (Whitstable, Kent) during school years rooting around various sections: science, maths, the paranormal, science fiction, and history all come to mind.

It was at University, though, that I successfully distracted myself from my Chemistry degree with fiction - others might have done so with copious amounts of alcohol and other synthetic means – but my forays into Mordor, East of Eden, the Russian Gulag, or Corfu with the Durrels, seemed to be just as intoxicating.

Michael Rosen, former Children’s Laureate, has been voicing his ‘horror’ at the latest round of library closures:

Every time I hear of a library being closed I find it…horrifying… a decimation of our cultural entitlement…many children come from families where they either don’t think to buy books or can’t afford to buy books… we’re taking away free books. At the very moment we’re saying we want everybody to read – so it seems both absurd and horrifying.’

Two stats have made me think:

7% children aged 8-18 do not have a book at home. Of those receiving Free School Meals this        
         increases to 12% and 19% of children aged 5-8 have no book at home

97% of children in England have Internet access at home

Is there a case, therefore, for reducing the number of computers in public libraries and returning them to the book and reading sanctuaries of yesteryear? 

Libraries have become internet portals and welcoming warm places; more community hubs than reading centres. 

But I wonder if there might be a causal link between the declining numbers of library users and this dilution of their primary focus, rather than reduced funding? And as writers shouldn't we be at the sharp end of championing a library-revival?

You may be right in thinking I’ve been captured by some dinosaurian tractor-beam…but I’m searching for solid ground and asking for your thoughts!

In writing this short post, I have hit Google several times. We all use word processors and carry out vast amounts of research online, so I’m not knocking the rise of the Internet, but surely, as writers, we know in our bones, that we have a vital role to play with all present and future readers, stimulating their thirst for imaginative story-telling, and firing their love of literature

Libraries as repositories of cultural treasure?

Michael Rosen has a point. 


  1. For the last week our library has been closed due to issues with the building. I borrow books. It is also a community hub with lots going on. The librarians are louder than the customers!

  2. Lovely post, John, thanks. I am so proud of Greenwich Libraries for the way they have endeared their services to the community. However and sadly, gone are the days of 'frowning at the squeak of a shoe' in a library of readers! Libraries have become very busy places doing all sorts of things but attending to borrowers of books! I too am interested in how writers can help to turn things around. Blessings.

    1. Thanks Sophia. Bit of a dilemma…I can see the merits of both ie trad libraries v community hub.

  3. As in my guest post, libraries have so much to offer. I'm sure they don't get enough good press to show what they have available.

  4. It was announced yesterday that my local library is due to close in October despite substantial opposition but there 'remains a possibility of it becoming a community hub'. How this differs from the current offering is unclear other than there will be no paid staff, only volunteers.

    1. I’m not claiming any inside knowledge in this but it has occurred to me that local council budgets are influenced by lobby pressure groups. Maybe the Michael Rosen protest will shift some thinking towards reassessing what passes as ‘culture’ whilst libraries languish.

  5. Libraries are portals to other worlds for all of us regardless of age. It's definitely counter productive to close them when we need all possible encouragements and incentives o get children reading. I honestly don't understand how councils can do this. 'Hurrah!' for everyone who's protested, signed a petition, written to their local paper, lain in the road (steady, there), hassled their local MP etc.

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