Modern-Day Parables? By Brendan Conboy

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

My wife and I have been renovating my ‘final resting place’ for the last few months. Design decisions are important, as they are with our books. Making a mistake is also key to the whole process, though the fewer the better.

One of the most difficult things is choosing the right paint colours. Although, it is interesting how the struggles that we face, provide us with stories. These could often be regarded as modern-day parables.

Parable 1

At a previous house, we bought four different tester pots and tried them on the walls in various places. We watched how the different lights made them change and we made the decision. Everything felt good and we thought to ourselves, ‘That wasn’t too bad.’

We set to work with five litres of paint, brushes and rollers in hand. To me, the first coat looked good (of course it did, I didn’t want to paint it again). However, working in partnership involves listening to the other half. The other half wasn’t happy and I had to agree.

We couldn’t afford to buy more paint, but we had some white emulsion in the back of the shed. We decided to mix the remaining paint (we had purchased) with the white, but it still wasn’t right. Then, one by one we added one of the tester pots.

Each of the little pots made a difference, yet it wasn’t until the final sample was added that the result was as we had wanted (Phew).

You could apply many morals to this story. The one I like to use is that when we work together, we will surprise ourselves with what we can achieve.

Parable 2

For our current project, we bought nine different tester pots (YES NINE). We didn’t mix these together, yet each one left a mark on the wall. We can all leave our mark in life (moral #1).

It took us about two weeks in our quest, for the elusive ‘Jasmine White’. This is a great example of perseverance and to press on toward the goal (moral #2).

We learn from our mistakes. George Bernard Shaw said, “A life spent making mistakes is not only more honourable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.” (moral #3).

·       Can you write modern-day parables from your life’s experiences?

·       Do you regard your mistakes as failures or learning experiences?

·       How many projects have you abandoned?

·       Is it time to revive them?

·       Perhaps you could mix a few together?



Brendan Conboy aka Half Man Half Poet is the author of 16 published books including two fascinating autobiographies, The Golden Thread and I'm Still VALUED.  In 1986, Brendan invited Jesus into his life and God blessed him with the gift of rhyming words.  He used that gift as a Christian Rap artist for 25 years and has written 6 poetry books including the entire Book of Psalms in Rhyme.  He has 3 published novels - Issues, Invasion of the Mimics and Legacy of the Mimics.  He is the creator of Book Blest Christian book festival.  Brendan is available for speaking events, poetry performances and workshops.  Visit Brendan's website HERE.


  1. stair dust corner not only simplify maintenance but also enhance the overall aesthetic of my home. Love it!

  2. Thanks for this insightful post Brendan! You write sooo uniquely, and you got me thinking..."to write modern day parables from life's experiences." 🤔

  3. Lovely post, Brendan! The idea of modern day parables of our life experiences is tantalising! Lovely idea. Love your parables too. Blessings.

  4. Hey Sophia, tantalising is a great word. I think that we can miss so many M-D-Ps in our busy lives. They are there every day if we care to look.


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