Hitting 60 and pondering life's milestones by Tracy Williamson.

In two days time I will turn 60.  I will be celebrating and enjoying a weekend of friendship and fun which I'm really looking forward to.

But while the balloons go up and the fridge gets full, I realise I'm at a good point to take a pause and reflect on my life.  Becoming 60 is quite a scary or maybe I should say, sobering thought that I will so soon be joining the ranks of the senior citizens of our realm.  Prescriptions will be free (yay) and I can get an OAP bus pass! (Although I already have a disabled bus pass so what's the benefit?)  I will also qualify for senior discounts at some venues (but that's been true for years as a disabled person too!)  And a big advantage is that I can order a senior half size portion of fish and chips to suit my smaller appetite ( What smaller appetite is that? ) 

But its time to celebrate not to be sarky.  Of course I know that today, 70 is the new 40, so I guess 60 just means I'll be in my 30's?   Except, except when I was really 30 I had no grey hairs and I certainly do now.  At 30 I had a flat tummy and I certainly don't now!  At 30 all my skeletal frame was intact but now I have a new bionic hip (since a fortnight ago!)  

But seriously, whatever spin I put on it, there's no doubt that I'm about to pass an age milestone.  I will be stepping into the later season of my life and inwardly I feel the call to weigh up and ponder the journey I am on, the milestones I am passing and the destinations I am aiming for.  

The word milestone commonly describes an upright stone on the path showing how many miles still to go.  It also refers to steps and achievements one may take in one's growth or career.  New parents anxiously watch for their baby to pass its milestones of smiling, talking, walking, first friend, first day at school etc.  Each is rightly celebrated as a great achievement and so we go on through life.  

One of my greatest milestones was when I wrote my first book at the age of 29.  I found it exhilarating that I'd achieved something that I'd always longed to do, especially as other milestones that seemed to come easily to so many of my family and friends, seemed to have passed me by...I'd never driven or had my own car, I'd never been engaged and certainly not married; I'd never had a 'normal' job or held my new born baby in my arms.  

But as I reflect in God's Word I realise that rather than replicating a norm of milestones, God looks at us all as uniquely created in His image with our own special path to follow.  And each path will have its own God tailored milestones, achievements and stages of growth and trust.  For decades Joshua was Moses' assistant, behind the scenes, unnoticed compared to Moses; but his master's death was the milestone for Joshua to pass through into a new prominent and dynamic season in his life.  He too was in his older years, but in God's eyes its never too late for any of us to step into something new. Sometimes I feel I've left so many things undone and panic that I will never achieve anything of value. But what is valuable in God's eyes?  Not following a cultural norm but having a heart that welcomes and loves God and lives His ways. God's promise to Joshua was 'As I was with Moses, so I shall be with you. do not be afraid and do not be discouraged.' 

I know God is making that same promise to me and to you too.  He is with us.  We're facing the milestones of life together with Him and who knows what exciting things He has for us to fulfil as we pass them hand in hand?  Rather than feeling sober that I'm now entering the later season of my life, I believe He wants me to celebrate that He's there with me.  I've reached this amazing date in my life and can mark it with thankfulness.  I may get more grey hairs but I also have more adventures to come.  I can look back with joy to that moment of holding my first book in my arms, and know that I still have words to write and pages to fill.  I will never drive a car but I do want to drive the car of my life to all the destinations God has for me, celebrating each milestone passed with joy and thankfulness.  So roll on being 60 and no, its not the new 30, why would I want to go back there?   Instead I embrace this decade I'm about to step into; I step onto its path gazing at the vista before me.  If I grow weary, He will give me strength.  In fact I will rise up on wings like eagles and soar with Him.  What's not to like? 

Tracy Williamson or Hip Hop Trace as she is now calling herself, lives near Tonbridge in Kent sharing a home and ministry with her great friend Marilyn Baker and Marilyn's guide dog Arlo.  Tracy has written 9 teaching/devotional books to date and has added her first novel to her bucket list for her 60's.  A milestone still to reach.   



  1. I applaud your positive attitude, Tracy. May you go from strength to strength.

  2. I love this! And I too feel there is so much more to do. Three times at the Retreat weekend I was reminded that Moses was 80 when God called him! And I am looking forward to that novel!

  3. I admire God’s milestones in your life Trace, His hand directing your paths through many adventures with many more ahead 🤗

  4. Great post Tracy😊❣️ Wishing you a wonderful birthday and may God bless your year to come with all the plans He has for you❤️

  5. Wonderful Tracy. It's been a joy watching you grow in so many ways inspire of the difficulties you face. May this next decade be.full of new adventures and achievements for our amazing heavenly Father as well as yourself. Wondering if I will still be around for your next

  6. Great wisdom, Tracy. I hit the big 60 two years ago! I think a lot these days about the legacy we leave behind as we go into our autumn years. Sobering, but encouraging too. And your writing is a great encouragement to many, especially as you are so honest. And also deeply grounded in faith.

  7. Beautiful blog, Tracy. And Happy Birthday! ~Emily

  8. Happy birthday and welcome to the adventure and freedom of being a bit older!


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