Commanded Blessing?

 In May, Sheffield Scribblers gathered at my home to learn how to make a living from writing - this was a new online event (reduced group ticket price!) enabling people to share the experience. Experts spoke on Artificial Intelligence, ghostwriting and writing fiction. 

Being the first of its kind, we gathered too cosily around my PC, having failed to achieve the desired projection, despite cable fiddling and obscure remote button exploration. (I have now figured out how to ‘mirror’ for next time!) Everyone was very sympathetic, no doubt helped by steaming cups of coffee and creamed-up jammy homemade scones. 

Dan Waldron presented Artificial Intelligence with discernment and provocation, seeing the cons and one pro! We used the breaks to consider the threat or opportunity for human writing. Should we use ChatGBT? Is it the ‘antichrist’? 

Kate Hewitt shared her amazing journey to becoming published and a full-time writer. It was inspirational to hear how God ordered her steps. None of our group were making a living out of writing yet, however testimony is a powerful motivator and instructor. We opted out of the ghost writer section and focused on our immediate needs. 

There was a family-like response in the room as different ones shared their triumphs – one had just won a prize; and trials – one was new to writing, finding it cathartic but with uncertain goals. Love and wisdom flowed as we corralled around each other, both as critical friend to the script presented, and encourager to the person’s needs, ending with prayer for God’s intervention and help. 

It was good to host. Others willingly shared the burden of refreshments and the Zoom event provided excellent stimulus for a focus. I reflected on my first group experience after arriving in Sheffield. Five years ago I had 25 years of living abroad behind me, but a forthcoming grandchild beckoned. Moving to the UK was definitely what God wanted, but finding purpose and new friends there was unclear. Knowing I was keen to write my memoir, a church friend invited me to my first scribblers’ evening. 

The warm glow in the room kindled creativity. There were unfamiliar faces, but a common excitement over writing. Jo Gilchrist, then our group leader, facilitated the shared hopes and aspirations that night. A plethora of genres flowed over steaming tea and the world’s gooiest chocolate brownies. Poems, historical fiction, tv scripts, blogs, devotionals, so many ideas and writing styles, chunks of script to critique, published works passed round – it was a smorgasbord of possibility. I had not yet written one line; I had no idea how to write; but I wanted to get going and there were others, both at my stage and beyond. We made a dynamic community of possibility. Today I have blogs, magazine articles and a book review in print – one even paid for! 

What has been your experience of ACW groups? Or the recent event on line? I would love to hear. 

Psalm 133 (ESV) says, When brothers (and sisters) dwell together in unity, it is like the precious oil on the head…For there the Lord has commanded the blessing, life forevermore.

Nicky Wilkinson lives in Sheffield. She has recently become a writer and mis part of the ACW Sheffield Scribblers Group. She lived abroad in the Czech Republic and Zimbabwe for 26 years. She worked for FEBA Radio in Zimbabwe, and taught History, RE, Global Perspectives and Thinking Skills at Chisipite Senior School in Harare. She has been the Administrator for ACW for the past 3 years. Lately she has become an adoring granny to four grandkids 


  1. You make it sound all so cosy! Lovely to hear how well it went :)

  2. I remember your first visit to Sheffield scribblers too. You definitely added to the warmth of the evening with your encouraging nature. Thank you!

  3. Lovely post Nicky. Thanks for the encouragement from Psalm 133. Blessings.

  4. Nicola Wilkinson13 June 2024 at 21:55

    Thank you everyone!!

  5. I like the description of a 'dynamic community of possibility.' I would love t be part of a group like that!

    1. Nicola Wilkinson14 June 2024 at 12:30

      Where do you live? Does ACW have a group there or could you start one?

    2. I'm in London. I don't believe there is a group near me, I will have to check.

  6. Nicky, Such a warm, vivid evocation of 2 separate gatherings of the Sheffield Scribblers. One in May and the other, your very first meeting, 5 years ago. ‘Family-like’, supportive, refreshments at hand, huddled round your PC :) Great about your published work! And, when written, your memoir will be awesome. It will gather in believers for the Lord, as easily as fishermen's nets fill with fish. Go Nicky!

    1. Nicola Wilkinson7 July 2024 at 15:19

      thank you so much!

  7. Praise the Lord of creation for His gifts to His children 👏🙏
    More Nicky please , you are a blessing .


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