What's in a name? by Brendan Conboy

Image by Artur Pawlak from Pixabay

Last month I asked the question, ‘Who remembers your characters?’ Thank you for all of your lovely comments, I am so glad that you found my muse helpful.

In a similar vein, I would like to ask another question. How much thought do you give to the names of characters, places, objects, inventions, etc? In my ‘Mimics’ series, many of the characters and creatures are given Greek or Hebrew names. One of my Hebrew character names is ‘Abaddon.’ I’ll leave you to figure out what that means.


Having recently moved house, I was keen to find out the meaning of where I live. The village is Kings Stanley. The ancient word for stoney or rocky ground is ‘stan’ and ‘leah’ means clearing. In the 13th century, the local manor was a demesne of Henry III, hence the ‘Kings’ designation.

My street name is ‘Penn Lane,’ originally spelt as ‘PEN.’ This seems rather fitting for an author don’t you think? The word ‘Lane’ is from the Germanic ‘Lanu’ or ‘Lano,’ meaning avenue or passageway – the way to somewhere.

My new house is called ‘Layenka’ which seems to have several meanings. It is a river in western France, a jolly Spanish song and dance, or according to Google, it is Zulu for ‘he said.’ I read that as ‘God said.

So, to sum all of this up -  

·       I am in the place of the King, standing on the Rock, with a clear vision (Kings Stanley).

·       I am in the Way of the pen – a ready writer.

·       I am in a place to listen to what HE says.

Perhaps you could research the meanings of your name and where you live, then write a short, allegorical story. My name, Brendan, means ‘king’ and my surname means ‘son of yellow dog.’

I’m off to write mine now – I would love to hear yours.


Brendan Conboy aka Half Man Half Poet is the author of 16 published books including two fascinating autobiographies, The Golden Thread and I'm Still VALUED.  In 1986, Brendan invited Jesus into his life and God blessed him with the gift of rhyming words.  He used that gift as a Christian Rap artist for 25 years and has written 6 poetry books including the entire Book of Psalms in Rhyme.  He has 3 published novels - Issues, Invasion of the Mimics and Legacy of the Mimics.  He is the creator of Book Blest Christian book festival.  Brendan is available for speaking events, poetry performances and workshops.  Visit Brendan's website HERE.


  1. Peculiar Medinus26 May 2024 at 22:15

    Very insightful post. Thanks, Brendan!

  2. Difficult to rid myself of the image of 'son of yellow dog'! Enjoyed your post, Brendan.

    1. Woof woof, 'Yellow Dog' was a Celtic Chieftan and I am a descendant.

  3. Very lovely post, Brendan! I love how you have personalised the meaning of where you live to your connection with God. Beautiful! How about your surname? How does it link to your personality or creator? I feel puzzled by it! Our home is the last house on a major way[ Mangold Way]. My husband said God placed us there to be the 'Gatekeepers' to pray and watch over the area. That intrigued me too. It's really great to make spiritual and prophetic links to our names, where we live , etc. May God bless you abundantly in your new home. May it be to you in prophecy as you have declared it. Amen. Blessings.

    1. Nicola Wilkinson27 May 2024 at 19:33

      I have always been fascinated by names because I think God confirms identity through them. My name means overcomer From Nike. I’ve often been inspired by that.

    2. Sophia, 'Yellow Dog' was a Celtic Chieftan and I am a descendant. I am therefore a Celtic prince. That's pretty Biblical.

  4. Nicola, 'overcomer' is a fabulous meaning. Something to stand on.

  5. Great post Brendan, I'm glad your move has gone well, you certainly seem to be in the right place!

    1. Thanks, David, it went well. Now we are uncovering lots of problems... Hey ho!

  6. Love this! I enjoy choosing names for my characters!

  7. Yes, Maressa, it is such fun. I love creating character profiles.

    1. Very interesting Brendan. I believe there is a lot in a name too. I love that you live in Penn Lane. God bless.


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