Standing Strong as a Christian Writer by Peculiar Medinus


As a former overseas newspaper correspondent, I encountered a pivotal moment. While I covered business reporting, a restless passion for writing Christian articles stirred within me. The regional newspaper company I worked for was determined to follow the trends of the New York Times, but I made a bold request to write articles focused on my faith. To my surprise and delight, the company accepted my proposal and assigned me a column to write 'Reflections', a series that resonated with readers.

From Newspaper Columnist to Published Author

Inspired by the impact of my 'Reflections' articles, I took the leap and wrote my first published book, "The Female Preacher." This marked the beginning of my journey as a Christian author, one that would be filled with both challenges and triumphs.

Navigating the Writing World as a Christian Author

I often find myself the odd one out at networking events due to my focus on the Christian genre. However, I've learned to embrace my versatility as a writer, penning books in other genres to serve relevant audiences while still maintaining my primary focus on Christianity.

Stand Strong in Your Calling

Recently, I drew inspiration from Judy Jacobs' book, "Stand Strong," which offered practical lessons on gaining confidence in one's calling and prevailing against all odds. Her insights motivated me to share the following encouraging words with all Christian writers:

  1. Embrace faith in your writing: Let your faith shine through your words, allowing it to guide and inspire your work.
  2. Be bold and know your authority: As a Christian writer, you have a unique voice and perspective. Own it and share it with confidence.
  3. Write the word: Stay true to your faith and your calling, and let your writing be a reflection of your beliefs.
  4. Press on: The journey of a Christian writer may not always be easy, but it is a rewarding one. Keep pressing forward, even in the face of challenges.

As I continue on my own journey as a Christian writer, I extend an invitation to others who share this calling. Let us support one another, learn from each other, and continue to use our words to make a positive impact in the world. Together, we can embrace our faith, our purpose, and our passion for writing.



  1. What a beautiful post, Peculiar! Thanks for sharing some of your writing journey successes.God is good!Thanks for all the encouragement, especially in the last paragraph! Blessings.

  2. Always my pleasure, Sophia! Thank you so much for your kind comments.

  3. Love this! Such an encouragement, which came at the right time, as there's so much pressure to conform... Thank you for sharing!

    1. Dear Marresa! Thanks for your wonderful comment. I'm thrilled to know you were encouraged.

  4. Thank you for your encouraging words, Peculiar! x

  5. Thank you loads, Katherine! Your positive feedback motivates me.


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