

Today is my youngest son’s birthday. Turning eleven turns out to be a big deal, who knew? He’s been excited for a long time, which is lovely in itself. When my children first arrived, there was no anticipation, no looking forward to anything. It meant for peaceful birthday Eves and Christmas Eves but it made me sad as well. I remember waking my parents up at ridiculous times, announcing it was my birthday. We’re not quite there yet, but seeing my son’s excitement has been lovely.

My latest novel came out last week, and as it’s been such a long time, it felt strange. We had the necessary book cake for the Book Launch Party, and I did enjoy talking about the story online. On the other hand, I felt drained a little, as the book had been so long in the making, it was hard to feel excited. Until one of my best friends started messaging me about how much she loved the story.

There have been a few books released in the last week. There’s Jenny Sanders’ book, Polished Arrows, and I joined her Book Tour. I don’t often read non-fiction, but that is a book to feed your soul, and I’m thrilled to have been a part of the tour!

Caroline Johnston also has a book out, Shades of Autumn. It’s on my reading list for this week, and I can’t wait! There are so many books to enjoy out there, but for me, reading a book written by someone I know is way more special.

Learning about Philipp Langenbach’s passing made me realise once again how special ACW is, and how important friends are. It makes me so sad, having heard Philipp’s stories and his dreams about his huge book, that it never got finalised. He shared so much during Wordy Chat and took our ribbing in such good spirits. I’m so glad some of you got to meet him. But it’s a reminder too, how precious friends are, and not to take anyone for granted.

Also, despite my husband having found at least five typos already, for those of you wondering what to do with your story, go for it! Reach out to publishers, jump into self-publishing, share your stories, and be brave! Enjoy it too. I did feel thrilled to hold copies of Downstream, even though I still had the ones with the wrong covers...Long story, but it’s in my Unboxing video for those of you who completely missed it.

So don’t hide away, step out in faith, even though there might be only a fine line between madness and bravery. And value those around you who God has placed on your path. Enjoy them, celebrate them and thank God for them. You’re all special and I am grateful for my wonderful friends, especially those who signed up to be part of my Book Tour next month, you’re amazing!

Maressa Mortimer is Dutch but lives in the beautiful Cotswolds, England with her husband and four (adopted) children. Maressa is a homeschool mum as well as a pastor’s wife, so her writing has to be done in the evening when peace and quiet descend on the house once more. She loves writing Christian fiction, as it’s a great way to explore faith in daily life. Because of her interest in writing, Maressa is part of Creativity Matters: Find Your Passion For Writing, an anthology encouraging people to write.

Her debut novel, Sapphire Beach, was published in December 2019, and her first self published novel, Walled City, came out in December 2020, followed by Viking Ferry, a novella. Beyond the Hills is the second book in the Elabi Chronicles, and was released in 2021, followed by stand-alone novel Burrowed, released in 2022. All of Maressa’s books are available from her website, www.vicarioushome.com, Amazon or local bookshops.


  1. Great post, Maressa, thank you. I will be ordering "Downstream" soon! Thanks for your words of encouragement.

  2. Natasha Woodcraft30 May 2024 at 13:45

    Well done, Maressa! On the publishing and the birthday. Glad the little chap was excited and Happy Birthday to him. Every year has its own challenges (with books and babies) but each has its own rewards. Keep going!

  3. Lovely post, CONGRATS!! I tried to recall when I was 11! Thank you so much for the encouragement, support and love you share here. Blessings.

  4. Yes, very encouraging Maressa, and congratulations.


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