On Writing Intercessions for Church Services

The Western Wall (or Wailing Wall) in Jerusalem, where Jews make their intercessions. 
Accredited to https://www.flickr.com/photos/alex-david/5288593871

In many churches, intercessions are written and delivered by lay church members. Your minister (or whoever compiles service rotas) will waylay you one Sunday, saying, “You’re okay to do intercessions next week, aren’t you?” And no guidance will be given.

This is how I started and, whilst I would never presume to ‘teach’ anyone how to write anything, I have, over the years, composed a sort of ‘how to’ for myself.

Intercessions are different from private prayers, because you are praying with others for others. The Oxford English Dictionary’s definition of ‘intercede’ is ‘to act or interpose on behalf of someone’.


  • Introduce yourself.  The congregation should be allowed to concentrate on the prayers, not on you.
  • Drone on for too long.  People’s concentration is short.  About 600-700 words is right.
  • Deliver a news bulletin.  Something general like ‘We pray for the end of the war in Ukraine’ is fine, but it’s not necessary to list everything going on in the world in order to ask for God’s intervention.  He knows anyway.
  • Make political prayers.  Many years ago, an elderly gentleman in our church prayed that God ‘would knock trade union leaders’ heads together’.  I joke not.  It happened.
  • Mention individuals needing prayer by name, unless you have their consent.  I guarantee that a prayer like “We pray for healing for Barbara,’ will cause every decorously-bowed head to be raised with ears twitching.  What’s the matter with Barbara then?  What’s she got?  
  • Draft your intercessions in writing in advance.  (OK.  You may occasionally need to deliver them off the top of your head – I’ve done it – but these aren’t the best.)
  • Begin your intercessions appropriately, with something like, ‘Almighty God, who promised to hear the prayers of those who ask in faith’ or just ‘Let us pray’.  Then pause for a few moments as congregation members kneel, sit and make themselves comfortable.
  • Have a structure.  Divide the intercessions into sections, for instance:
    • Thank yous.
    • The world (asking for God’s intervention in mercy and wisdom).
    • The environment
    • Those in authority (the King, the Prime Minister and leaders in your own church)
    • The church (that it may serve God and spread His message)
    • Your church (for God’s wisdom for church projects and challenges)
    • The sick
    • The departed. 
  • Use a form of words between each section, such as ‘Lord in your mercy’ (you say), ‘Hear our prayer’ (congregation says). 
  • Refer to Bible readings read during the service.  (Ask the leader what these will be beforehand.  Anglicans, look up the Lectionary - downloadable as an app for about £10.)
  • End the intercessions decisively, with something like, ‘Merciful Father, Accept these prayers, For the sake of your Son, Our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen’ or just ‘Amen’.
  • When drafting them, attempt to avoid reps of ‘pray’ as much as possible.  ‘We lift up to you…’ and ‘Lord, we ask…’ are good alternatives.  Saying ‘We pray for…’ repeatedly out loud will annoy you far more than it will the congregation!
Sorry for the long post. I’ve been delivering intercessions for a long time and heard a lot of them - good and bad.

Rosemary Johnson is the author of  Wodka, or Tea with Milk, set during the period of the Solidarity trade union in Poland, and her collection of short stories, Past and Present, will be published in summer 2025.  She is a keen member of the ACW Flash Fiction group and has had many flash fiction pieces and short stories published over the years.  
Rosemary is also the ACW Short Story Adviser.  Do send her your short stories for review!


  1. Great advice, thank you! I would just add: listen to the news that morning, just in case. I remember going to church on the day of the Boxing Day tsunami and it was obvious the intercessor had no idea thousands of people had just died horribly.

  2. Lovely post, Rosemary. Thank you for providing the DOs and DONTs. This is very helpful as I am one of the intercessors at church. Blessings.

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  4. Sound advice. We had a situation the other week where the intercessor made overtly political prayers, despite having been advised beforehand that 'prayers of the people' means we should pray in such a way that all can be in agreement.

  5. nicola wilkinson1 February 2025 at 14:07

    thank you Rosemary, thought provoking as ever!

  6. Thanks Rosemary, great tips... I shall keep them at hand in case I'm asked to do this.


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