Celebration - by Meryl McKean


I’ve just been celebrating my grandson Levi’s second birthday. The party was a noisy, joyful, chaotic gathering of relatives and friends who travelled to join in the fun. Levi isn’t fully formed of course, but he has reached an important marker, and we are cheering him on and celebrating him.

His year has been made up of small and big landmarks. Sounds that have turned into recognisable words, running everywhere, naming every truck and motorbike that passes – I could go on and I’m sure his parents could fill this page! We’ve seen him push boundaries and literally fall over many times. This hasn’t deterred him, it’s all part of his day. Part of growing up is trying new things until you can do them, and we encourage him as he changes and grows.

At the beginning of a new year, we often look ahead, maybe we set some goals for our writing, dream of what may happen and how we can take steps to make those writing goals come true. It is easy to reach the end of a year and focus on the things that haven’t happened, the knockbacks or disappointments. They can so easily fill our thoughts and affect our progress.
Instead, I would suggest that you look back over the year and ask the Lord to remind you of the positive things you have achieved. Maybe an encouraging comment from a friend, a piece of writing that has brought you pleasure or been helpful to someone else. It’s not just about the big things, every small thing counts. As you make your list, know that your heavenly Father is rejoicing over you, cheering you on and inspiring you. No matter what is on your list and how long it is, he sees you, his child and takes pleasure in you, his creation. He wants to inspire you in the coming year as you connect with him and line up with his purposes. Ask him about those too. How about sharing something on your list?

‘The Lord your God in your midst,
The Mighty One, will save;
He will rejoice over you with gladness,
He will quiet you with His love,
He will rejoice over you with singing.’

Zephaniah 3 v 17



Meryl McKean loves writing devotionals and poems and has had a few articles published over the years as well as using her writing in her work. She wants her writing to be a tool which helps others draw closer to God. She is married to Andy and lives in Bedford. Her day job as a member of her church staff leadership team is full of challenges and opportunities.




  1. Thanks Meryl, even this morning I was reflecting in my prayer time about what I haven’t done, lol! I guess on my list is finishing the first draft of my novel, but I’m just excited about using each new day that God gives me.

    1. Thanks Jane and congratulations on finishing that first draft - that's huge. Hope your year ahead is filled with things to celebrate big and small.

  2. I wrote this a few years ago.


    Tea poured from a china pot,
    Someone’s hand to hold,
    An ‘hello how are you’,
    A cuddle when it’s cold.

    Little seeds of kindness,
    Someone who listens,
    Laughter with our friends,
    Small gestures of thanks.

    Candles on a birthday cake,
    The sweet scent of the rose,
    Rain drops bringing hope,
    This poem to this rhyme.

    A phone call to a friend,
    A cat asleep on your lap,
    A toad sat on its lily pad,
    Going a walk with the dog.

    Rainbows on sorrowful days,
    Prisms of light causing delight,
    Pottering about in our gardens,
    The reading of a good book.

    Watching birds in the garden,
    Seeing stars in the night sky,
    Going for an early morning run,
    Love letters received in the post.

    An invitation out to dinner,
    Your song played on the radio,
    The joy of a Sunday roast,
    Watching our favourite movie.

    These little moments of pleasure,
    Humble though they may be,
    Give the us all greatest pleasure,
    To the likes of you and me.

    ©️Sarah Joy Holden
    September 2022

    1. Thank you for sharing Sarah, I identify with many of those things that bring pleasure (not the early morning run though!) It's so important to celebrate those things.

  3. Lovely post, Meryl! Thanks for the encouragement. I love the lovely illustration of a child going through all their setbacks and challenges, without giving up, in reaching their milestone. It's so true to writing! I found the chosen scripture encouraging for our writing in 2025! Blessings.

    1. Thank you Sophia, blessings on you and your writing :)

  4. thanks Meryl, with a similar aged grandson, I could well imagine!

  5. Thank you for sharing! I found it very encouraging!


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