But Christmas

 In my MTW blog last November, I apologised for being early to advent.

Well, no one seemed to mind (not enough to let me know, anyway!), so I am going to make the leap that no one will mind (enough to let me know, anyway) if I extend Christmas-mentions in this blog.

At the beginning of this year, I was shopping with my niece. She saw a pen in the post-Christmas bargain box, and said that I should use it for my writing.

I’m currently in the early stages of editing a manuscript so, as I edit, I am making notes using a Christmas Tree pen.

And I am thankful for it.


 Last weekend, I went to the theatre to see Twelfth Night.

There was a line that particularly struck me, and I’ll quote it here.

Music plays, and Viola is asked, ‘how dost thou like this tune?’

It was the reply that struck me:

It gives a very echo to the seat

Where Love is throned


The Lord is in His holy temple; the Lord’s throne is in heaven

Psalm 11:4


God, who is love (1 John 4:8), is ‘Where Love is throned’

It gives a very echo to the seat

Where God is throned


What about our writing? Do our words carry echoes of heaven?

As Christian writers, our privilege is to catch those Love-echoes.

Our extended privilege is to write them down.

Whether we write fiction, non-fiction, Christian, cross-market…..our work can carry echoes of the Love which fuels it.


It gives a very echo to the seat

Where Love is throned


I am not always a fan of editing. If I’m honest, I prefer the excitement of a new insight into a text/storyline than I do the Emily Deeming It Trash stage, which I invariably reach by the zillionth edit.


But Christmas:

 You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.

Luke 2:12b


The Love that is throned in the splendour of heaven is the same Love that was throned in a lowly manger.


'All shall be well. 

For there is a force of love moving through the universe that 

holds us fast and will never let us go.'

Julian of Norwich


The Love that holds us fast when we are catching waves of Love-echoes, is the same Love that holds us fast when we are (eg) editing.

And I am thankful for it.

I'm off to use my Christmas Tree pen....


  1. What a beautiful post, Emily! Thank you. I love the way you have beautifully brought in Christmas, encouragement for our writing, and the love of God. It's lovely, and it truly blessed me. Blessings.

    1. Thank you so much, Sophia. Blessings to you, too. ~Emily

  2. A Love-echo from the One who sits on the Throne ... to me sitting in my car! Thank you Emily. And by the way in the Anglican church it is still the Christmas season!

    1. ….And to me sitting on a train! His Love-echoes are everywhere. Thank you.
      And thank you for that about it still being Christmas season in the Anglican Church - my Christmas Tree pen is timely in more ways than one, then.

  3. Thank you for this Emily beautifully written, I love the idea of our writing carrying echoes of heaven.

  4. Beautiful! This moved my soul... something I needed today...


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