ACW BOOK TITLES IN STORY Part 1 by Olusola Sophia Anyanwu

  Sport your book’s title! 

“On Clouds of Words”

 “Who made God? " the "unloved child" asked. It was “a whisper,” but "Deborah and Jael" heard. "Jane and Jill, children of Margaret and Edgar, looked away.

“Where does God live?” and “Is God very strong?” “David” asked.

We need “The Silencer” and “T for Tolerance”, “Rosie” groaned.

“God is everywhere”, and “The unloved Wife” answered, feeling “Braver”.

“What If” “It’s a darkly hidden secret” or “Open secrets”? “Man of Glass” threw in.

  “God has a passionate spirit”, “Martha Martha” replied. ” When Jesus met the Hippies”, they became “New creatures” with “Wings of faith” and “Breaking free”, even “With hope in dark places”. “Still Emily” said.

 “Funnily enough”, “Even the wanderer reborn” was like, “Walking Bradley’s history”, “Baby Baby”, said. “It was time to shine” so “The Runaway” sang Lydia’s song”. ”Acquilla” spoke of ”Home truths”  and “ Mystical circles”,. “We are the chosen”, “To belong” and “Living the difference”, “The Migrant “pointed out

“What I am grateful for” is that God is “The good shepherd”. We are “Blessed and beautiful” with “A great deal of ingenuity” and “Not Lost”.

“I’m dying for a cruise”, “The lonely soldier” moaned. ‘That’ll be a “Killer’s countdown” and “Christmas gone wrong!” “Pilate’s daughter”, laughed. ‘Or “A second Christmas truce”, “Saul’s Scribe” suggested.

“It’s a question of loyalty”, “The piano teacher” smiled, ‘I heard of, “Cain’s redemption”. He bought, “Spiritual feasting, “Finding stability in times of change,” The mind and your Christian walk,” Treasure in dark places,” All things new: stories of transformed lives”, “Dancing with wisdom”, and “31 bedside prayers and poems” in one “Single act”!’

“A change of life!” “If only” for the “Legacy of the Mimics”,  “George’s diary” and for “The diary of Isabella M  Smugge”. Now, he’s an “Alpha male”. He is “Leaving Bethany”,” Looking to move on” “After the funeral” to “The garden of galaxy” and “The city” called the “Murder Planet”. “What comely grace! “Lady Battle Axe”, said.

“Being Lena Levi”, his wife, is like a “Wife of the wind” or “The eagle and butterfly together” –“An unholy communion!’ “The first sky rider’ piped in.

‘There’ll be no “Issues”.  It’s a “Walled City”, Daniel said. “Daniel’s Painting” revealed, “Gerry the one eyed cat”.

 I hope you had fun. It might not make sense, but do have a laugh and see how many titles you can sport! Watch the space for Part 2! 'Wishing you all a blessed 2025! Blessings.

Sophia Anyanwu writes prose and poetry which convey current issues and inspire and encourage the love of God. She is a member of the Association of Christian Writers, UK. She has published 20 books, which are available on her website: and Amazon.  You can subscribe to her YouTube channel here: and follow her on all social media here:








  1. What an original idea, Sophia! Isn't ACW a prolific group? I'll look forward to part 2.

    1. Thanks, Susan! How many ACW titles did you identify?

    2. Lots, but I could tell you the authors' names for 16 of them.

  2. What an entertaining post! Very clever, too. Thank you, Sophia.

  3. Wow; between us, we have a lot of books out there! Thanks for the reminder; looking forward to part 2.

  4. Joanne Gilchrist28 January 2025 at 12:50

    Very very clever! Well done you.

  5. Well done, Sophia 👍 Thrilled to find "Single Act" and "Lady Battle Axe" in the bunch 🤣

    1. Thank you, Peculiar and well done for spotting out 2 ACW titles!

  6. What fun, Sophia! I loved spotting the titles.

  7. That's brilliant! So much fun, spotting titles by wonderful friends and acquaintances! Thank you, looking forward to part 2!

  8. Thank you, Maressa! That's encouraging. How many did you spot?

  9. Very clever, Sophia. I was confused at first but loved seeing all our titles in your piece. Well thought out!

    1. Thank you, Sheila! Glad your confusion wore out! Did you spot any titles?

  10. So clever Sophia. It reminds me of something, but I can’t put my finger on it, it was a game we played in the past. I love how it all comes together. God bless.

  11. Nicola Wilkinson5 February 2025 at 10:36

    Brilliant! Looking after grand kids at the mo so took me a while to get there but loved your ingenuity!!!!

  12. Thanks, Nicola! Thanks for the encouragement. Blessings.


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