On Writing Intercessions for Church Services

The Western Wall (or Wailing Wall) in Jerusalem, where Jews make their intercessions. Accredited to https://www.flickr.com/photos/alex-david/5288593871 In many churches, intercessions are written and delivered by lay church members. Your minister (or whoever compiles service rotas) will waylay you one Sunday, saying, “You’re okay to do intercessions next week, aren’t you?” And no guidance will be given. This is how I started and, whilst I would never presume to ‘teach’ anyone how to write anything, I have, over the years, composed a sort of ‘how to’ for myself. Intercessions are different from private prayers, because you are praying with others for others. The Oxford English Dictionary’s definition of ‘intercede’ is ‘to act or interpose on behalf of someone’. Don't... Introduce yourself. The congregation should be allowed to concentrate on the prayers, not on you. Drone on for too long. People’s concentration is short. About 600-700 words is right. Del...