Where are you going? by Brendan Conboy

Where or what are the opportunities to attend, share your writer's story and sell your books?  This was the question that I asked myself in 2022 when looking for Christian book festivals.  I was surprised to find that there weren’t many at all.  I am still looking for opportunities and am prepared to travel but where can I go?  Who will want me?  Any suggestions welcome.


In 2022 I answered this question by creating the 1st Christian book festival in Stroud, my home town.  Book Blest was a huge success.  I was surprised to find many other authors, who like me, were keen to attend an event such as this.  This raises the question, why aren’t there more opportunities such as this across the country?  Have you ever thought of hosting a Christian book festival in your town?  If so, I would be more than willing to help you organise one and even attend it.

Book Blest 2023 takes place in Stroud, in Gloucestershire from 2nd to 4th November and features keynote speakers, Patrick Regan OBE & Ruth Rice.  Both have written books on mental health and well-being and have powerful, transformational stories to tell.

The festival will also feature events and workshops and an opportunity to meet 17 other Christian authors.  Many of them are ACW members whose names you may recognise – Maressa Mortimer, Fiona Myles, Alexandra Banwell, Lorraine Beard, Jenny Sanders, Katherine Blessan, Richard Norton, Sheila Johnson, Simon Lawton, Richard Frost MBE, AP Bazeley, Natasha Woodcraft, Rachel Yarworth, Claire Musters, Nicola Deane and lastly myself.

Find more about Book Blest here www.bookblest.co.uk 

Book Blest would not exist without these authors and the ACW.  I have only been a member for less than two years, yet during that time I have gained so much knowledge and support.  My greatest gain has perhaps been, that since joining the ACW, I no longer feel isolated and alone.  Book Blest is in effect, an extension to the unity that we all share. 

I would love to hear how ACW has helped you and how you are now helping others in return.  What have you created?  How have you changed?  How are you passing on your learning and support? 

Brendan Conboy aka Half Man Half Poet is the author of 13 published books including his fascinating autobiography, The Golden Thread.  In 1986, Brendan invited Jesus into his life and God blessed him with the gift of rhyming words.  He used that gift as a Christian Rap artist for 25 years and has written 6 poetry books including the entire Book of Psalms in Rhyme.  He has 3 published novels - Issues, Invasion of the Mimics and Legacy of the Mimics.  He is the creator of Book Blest Christian book festival.  Brendan is available for speaking events, poetry performances and workshops.  Visit Brendan's website HERE.


  1. I am really looking forward to Book Blest, Brendan. Thank you so much for starting it. I am also going to a more secular event in Stroud in October. Do you know anything about that? I think I maybe the only Christian there which will be interesting! However, a really good witness too. See you in November, if not before.

    1. Thank you, Sheila, I don't know of the secular event in Stroud. Do you have any more info, please?

  2. Lovely post, Brendan. I'm curious to check out the programme for the day. I have never attended a book festival. If it is the Strood in Kent, I might pop in. I am going to take you up on your words to help organise a book festival in Thamesmead! We thank God for ACW which has been a nursery nest for so many of us to nurture, mature and grow in our various strengths and genres. Thanks Brendan. Blessings.

    1. Thank you, Sophia. Book Blest is in Stroud, Gloucestershire. I would gladly help you to organise one in Thamesmead.

  3. That's really a great idea that you've begun Brendan and I would love to be part of something like that in the future.

    1. Thanks Tracy. Applications for next year open on 1st January 2024 and close on 31st March. It would be lovely to see you there.

  4. Looking forward to joining you all in Stroud for this. It will be great to finally meet some people I've interacted with online, in person; including you!

    1. Jenny Sanders. Sorry; not sure why that's come up as anonymous.

    2. Thanks Jenny, I am really looking forward to meeting you are hearing some more of your wonderful stories.

  5. Thank you, for this great post, Brendan. Blessings on each one of your wonderful endeavours! You are such an encouragement to me.


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