Pauls and Apolloses

  I (Paul) planted the seed, Apollos watered it...

1 Corinthians 3:6a

At the Bible study I attend, we are looking at Corinthians. This week was the passage containing the

verse above.

It got me thinking.

Who are our Pauls and Apolloses?

Specifically, for this blog, who are the Pauls and Apolloses of the Christian book world? The ones

who plant and water words?

A couple of weeks ago, I was at CRT, and I met some of them:






Sales Reps






Cover designers



People who served food and tea (perhaps should have been top of the list!)

Yesterday, I met more Pauls and Apolloses.

A building with a glass fronted door, and a sign reading 'Torch House' on the wall

I went to Torch Trust annual thanksgiving service, where I met people who make books

available in braille, audio, and large print.

So many people involved in making books, and there will be more than listed above.

So many Pauls and Apolloses.

Not forgetting our individual friends, families, supporters.

During our discussions on Corinthians, someone mentioned that they’d helped plant a church

overseas. And the church had grown.

I asked them their secret. What had they done to promote and produce growth?

The answer, said with a wry chuckle?

“I think the church started growing when we left.”

I (Paul) planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.

1 Corinthians 3:6 

I think the church started growing when we left.

As those seeking to be Pauls and Apolloses in the Christian book world, let’s remember – and be

encouraged by – the fact that it is God’s work. 

We do what we can and, ultimately, we can take a step back and leave it in His hands.

I find that liberating.

Just as I find being amongst ‘bookish Pauls and Apolloses’ a great privilege.

And I’m thankful for each one.

 In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the


Ephesians 2:21


  1. Beautiful post, Emily.Very encouraging. Thank God for the scripture you brought out. The completion is that,' God gives the grace for increase.' This is my prayer as a writer. That God should increase me [reviews, social media, finance, grace, etc] Like you said, we can tae a step back and leave the rest in His hands because it is His work. This is also my stand.

    Your title reminded me of a cheeky song that Fela Ransome Kuti sang.'hmnn Sunny cooked the meal, Obe tasted it but Fela ate it!'

    So by God's grace all things will work out for our good[ Pauls, Apolloses and God]. Blessings.

    1. Thank you, Sophia. Yes, 'God gives the grace'. I'm glad you added that. I don't know that song, but just reading the lyrics made me laugh - I can see how they reminded you of Paul and Apollos! I wonder whether anyone else has ever made that link! I'll look out for it in your next MTW blog ;-)

  2. Very nice piece Emily: and yes it is so right to 'give God the glory' and not our own marketing skills or whatever!

    1. Thank you, Clare. Yes, giving God the glory, and doing so as partners with Him and His church. That's something I like about the verse(s) above, we are all working together.

  3. I grew my first potatoes this year, and oh, the smile on my face as I dug up the potatoes, and cooked some for my friends. I had to laugh, because all I did was put 6 potatoes into the ground, and then God did the rest. All I had to do later was dig up and enjoy the crop.

    1. Brilliant about your potatoes, Veronica. God may have ‘done the rest’ but you planted them and pulled them up. Pauling and Apollosing with the best of them! The smile on your face was v much deserved, I think 😊


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